This is to inform the public and students of Federal Polytechnic Nekede that the Students Union Government has announced the programme of events for the SUG Week
The programmes are as follows;
see programme as follows;
- MONDAY, 15TH MARCH 2021 (1) Old School day - 8am - 4pm (Old Pavilion/ Ceremonial ground) (2) Mr & Miss SUG Pageant, Gala Night/ Old School Night - 8pm till dawn (Lekkis Park Event Center)
- TUESDAY, 16TH MARCH 2021 a (1) Cultural Day - 11:00 am- 4:00 pm (School Field) a (2) Rag Day-7:00 am till you arrive safely
- WEDNESDAY, 17TH MARCH 2021 Ladies Day Celebration - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (1000 Capacity Auditorium)
- SUNDAY, 21ST MARCH 2021 5 Thanksgiving Mass - 7am (Catholic Church, Chapel of Grace & Anglican Church)