The Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Screening test comes up on May 19th, 2018. Just like the title of this thread implies, you will get to know what is expected of you during the exam, the format the questions will be presented and other relevant details.
By now you ought to have printed your Examination Card and already know the Centre where you will be writing the exam.
The main thing you ought to do now is to get your self acquainted with the format of the questions. This will help the you know how best to approach the questions on the D-Day.
The best way to get acquainted with the questions format is downloading the Original NDA Past Questions and Answers.
Let me give you an idea of what to expect during the exam. The questions will comprise of subjects from English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Government and Economics.
There will be two parts. The first part is Use of English, which is compulsory for all candidates. For the second part, the candidate is expected to pick any three other subjects, according to his/her course of study. All subjects comprise of 40 questions to be answered.
It is just four days to the exam date. There's little time left. CLICK HERE now to get your own copy of the Original NDA Past Questions and Answers if you have not already done so and see what questions you will likely be facing on that day.
Things to Bring to the Exam Hall
Meanwhile, all eligible candidates are to note that they are to bring along their Acknowledgement Form, Screening Test Admission Card, JAMB result slip and TWO (2) postcard sized (35 x 5 inches) photographs to the Screening Test Centre.
The photographs should show only from the chest upwards and should contain the candidate’s Name, JAMB Reg No, State, Screening Test Centre, Course of study and Signature at the back.
We will create a thread for you guys before the day of the screening so you can get to meet and interact with other candidates and share ideas.
For now, good luck with your preparations!