NDA exam clashes with JAMB CBT exams - The Resolution

NDA exam clashes with JAMB CBT exams - The Resolution

JAMB CBT Candidates who are writing the NDA exams for the 17th May and the JAMB CBT exams fixed for the same day are lamenting over the two exams coinciding on the same day.

According to requirement for writing NDA exams, Only candidates who meet the JAMB national cut-off mark will be eligible to sit for the NDA Entrance Examination at their Examination Centre of choice.

But the question remains "How will candidates writing CBT meet this requirement (JAMB Result Slip) when they have not written their JAMB exam?"

According to some of the NDA candidates, their JAMB results slips are a requirement to enter the exam hall so how will they have a result slip when those taking the exam from 17th May will not have any result yet.

Knowing how crucial the situation is, The SchoolGist Team placed a call to the NDA officials, who confirmed this.

On further questioning on how this issue can be resolved, NDA has asked that JAMB move this date since they were well aware that NDA had already fixed their exam on this day. We persuaded for a resolution since JAMB is a big board and NDA is only supposed to fix their date for exam only when they are certain of JAMB exam dates. With this JAMB may likely refuse to shift on their decision to hold the CBT exam on 17th.

The official, speaking on phone to a SchoolGist Staff asked that we inform NDA candidates to be attentive and visit the official NDA website for updates on a likely change in the NDA exam date.

The move by NDA to change their exam day would actually be the best move since they may likely lose students who would opt to Change their Institution if they are unable to meet the NDA exam date. JAMB is obviously superior to NDA.

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