NAUB deadline for students' registration, 2021/2022

NAUB deadline for students' registration, 2021/2022

The University Management had observed that there are a lot of students who are yet to register for the 2021/2022 Academic Session attending lectures/other academic activities within the University.

The Management had fixed deadline for registration of students as follows:

  • Returning Students – 10th August, 2021 after which, any returning student that did not register for the session before the deadline would be expelled from the University.
  • Fresh Student – 5th August, 2021 after which any fresh student that did not register before the deadline will forfeit his or her Admission into the University.

Any returning/fresh student that failed to register for the session should pay late registration fee of ₦5000.00 from Wednesday 28th July, 2021.

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