National Youth Parliament #YouthParliamentUG for Young Leaders 2022

National Youth Parliament #YouthParliamentUG for Young Leaders 2022

Faraja Africa Foundation will be hosting the 5th National Youth Parliament on 5th August 2022 with support from the Civil Society in Uganda Support Programme which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with funds from the European Union and German government under the Creative Youth Inclusive Policy Engagements and Legislation (CYIPEL) project. This National Youth parliament is a platform for young leaders to express their political, social, and economic views as representatives from the grassroots. This year’s seating is under the theme Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a world for all Ages.

Faraja Africa Foundation is collaborating with other partners that include, the Parliament of Uganda, the East African Community, ActionAid, Centre for Policy Analysis, Uganda Parliamentary Forum for Youth Affairs, National Youth Council, the Rose Namayanja Foundation, Advance Afrika, Interparty Youth Platform, Uganda National Students Association, Westminster Foundation for Democracy and Restless Development Uganda among other partners.

Faraja Africa Foundation is calling upon the youth to engage themselves in advocating for their inclusion in national policy-making processes and the policy implementation under the National Youth Parliament. The motive behind this seating is to have the youth issues addressed like; poverty, unemployment, and social injustices. The resolutions that are discussed in the National Youth Parliament constitute a petition that is tabled for discussion in the Parliament of Uganda for action and policy implementation.

Therefore, we call upon youth leaders of the National Youth Councils, Student Guild Councils, District Youth Councils, and local councils across the four regions in Uganda to apply for participation in this year’s National Youth Parliament that will take place at the Parliament of Uganda as we use the top-bottom approach to have the voices of the youth echoed at the top.

About Faraja Africa Foundation

Africa is home to the world’s youngest and fastest growing population of talented, but untapped potential. Although diverse sources continue to portray Africa as a dark continent filled with unemployment, cultural erosion, political instability, conflict, corruption, natural & man-made disaster, disease outbreaks, gender inequality and much more, we see a sleeping lion that needs to be nurtured and have its young people rise like a phoenix to bring everlasting change. Unlike other non-profits that focus on problems in Africa.  Faraja (Swahili word for comfort) Africa Founda... read more

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National Youth Parliament 2022 #YouthParliamentUG

Application Deadline25 Jul 2022
Country to studyUganda
SponsorFaraja Africa Foundation
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of National Youth Parliament 2022 #YouthParliamentUG

The traning is free

Requirements for National Youth Parliament 2022 #YouthParliamentUG Qualification

A young Ugandan (female or male) between the age of 18 – 30 years as of December 31st, 2022?

Application Deadline

July 25, 2022

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to Faraja Africa Foundation on to apply

Check your eligibility – do you fulfill the following Prerequisite?


  1. Complete the application form.
  2. Tweet or post on the National Youth Parliament on any of the social media platforms with hashtags #YouthParliamentUG
  3. Follow National Youth Parliament and Faraja Africa Foundation; Twitter – @FarajaAfricaFdn | Facebook – Faraja Africa Foundation | Instagram – @farajaafricafdn

(Mention or tag National Youth Parliament and Faraja Africa Foundation in your post or tweet)

For more details, visit Faraja Africa Foundation website.

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