This is to inform all newly admitted Candidates that the 2019/2020 Matriculation Ceremony has been slated to hold as follows:
- Date: Friday, 26th February 2021
- Time: 9:00 am
- Venue: Convocation Square
Those matriculating are to note the following:
e) Academic Gowns are to be collected at the offices of their respective Faculty Officers at no cost beginning from Monday, 22nd February, 2021 and must be returned immediately after the ceremony.
f) On the matriculation day, they are to assemble outside the Convocation Square by 8:00 am for procession by lining up behind their respective Faculty Officers in an alphabetical order as follows:
- • Faculty of Administration
- • Faculty of Arts
- • Faculty of Education
- • Faculty of Environmental Science
- • Faculty of Law
- • Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
- • Faculty of Social Sciences
Note: Faculty of Agriculture are to observe their matriculation ceremony at the Lafia campus as usual.
g) Completion of Registration before matriculation:
It is important to note that matriculation marks the end of registration exercise. To this end, all those yet to complete their registration must do so before matriculation as there will be no registration after matriculation. Those who could not register before Matriculation are deemed to have forfeited their admissions. Similarly, Faculty Officers are by this memo requested to come for the collection of matriculation gowns for their Faculties.
h) Return of Matriculation Gowns:
Note that all matriculation Gowns MUST be returned to the Faculty Officers 24 hours after the matriculation exercise. Failure to return the gowns within the stipulated time will attract fine and / or penalty.
I) This exercise will be conducted in strict compliance to covid-19 protocols. To this end, matriculating candidates are to put in their face-mask and maintain physical distance of two (2) metres away from each other.
Thank you.