It has been observed that the dates for the 2021 JAMB UTME, scheduled to commence on June 19th, 2021, will clash with the dates for the NABTEB In-School NBC/NTC Examinations which will hold from Monday, 14th June to July, 2021 nationwide. In view of the anticipated problem, the Registrar/Chief Executive has directed that all candidates whose UTME examination dates coincide with their NBC/NTC examinations, and who want their UTME dates to be rescheduled, should forward their details immediately to NABTEB Headquarters for possible rescheduling by JAMB.
All principals and proprietors of schools are enjoined to compile names of the affected students with the following details:
1. Name of Candidate
2. Name of School
3. Location
4. Name of JAMB UTME examination centre
5. Date originally Scheduled for the UTME
The submission is expected to reach the Registrar/Chief Executive Officer for onward transmission to JAMB on Monday, 14th June or a day after JAMB has released names of examination centres to candidates.
Please treat as extremely urgent.