Hello SchoolGisters, so we just noticed today that Opera Mini Users have been unable to login to our website for sometime now. We're pleased to inform you that the error has now been fixed, so you can proceed to login and carry out Members Activities normally.
Please be aware the we're still in the after Migration Phase, and so there will be a lot of issues to fix over time.
We obviously wouldn't have known how serious this issue was, if we did not see the comment posted by a user, complaining specifically about login issues with Opera Mini. Please, if you're ever having any difficulty accessing any thing on any of the SchoolGist Platforms (Web, App or Software), please do let us know by sending an email or giving us a call. We will deeply appreciate your efforts.
Meanwhile, it will do you good to Download the SchoolGist App for Free. With the SchoolGist App, you can have access to Latest News, Events, JAMB Brochure & Syllabus, all for free! You can even practice JAMB CBT Past Questions without Internet Connection.
To download it right now, please click here