So if you know jiji or Olx, we believe you already know how this type of system works. But here's what you don't know; Here on SchoolGist, we have an awesome system that is tailored specifically to students that are immediately around you. This means you can sell your items easily and even faster than you think. We will call it; The SchoolGist Marketplace.
As a student, you should always be money oriented. You don't always have to give out everything for free to those your lodge mates. In this recession and bad economy? My brothers and sisters, WAKE UP!
So imagine a student, just opposite you, is willing to pay and is just looking for someone that is willing to sell his mattress, TV, Fridge, Cane Rack and Cupboard, Rug, reading table and chair, gas cooker, pots & pans, generator, Play Station, laptop, phones, even common text-book. Even small things like buckets, cutlery, mops and brooms can be sold as a bundle or given as a gift for buying from you.
And you are here, keeping the above items for cockroaches and rats to dwell and destroy them, in this recession? When you can sell it for some small money? Even God may not forgive you. Be smart my friend, Post your item for sale on SchoolGist Marketplace. It is free!
There are also these set of fresh students, who are looking for room mates. We see them here on SchoolGist. Why not take a picture of your room (and properties) and advertise for a room mate, to save money on your accommodation. You have a phone. Take a pix and Post it on SchoolGist Marketplace
Perhaps you are graduating, or you are moving to a new hostel, You can easily get rid of some of your things to people who need them. They will pay you, and wish you well on your on-ward movement to NYSC. All you have to do is; Post your item for sale on SchoolGist Marketplace. It is free!
I remember printing flyers and pasting on noticeboard to advertise an item, only to come back a few hours and someone else, especially fellowships had covered my flyers to advertise their programmes. LOL. It could be frustrating, but that is all over now. Just post your item online for free.
No doubt, SchoolGist is the biggest platform for all Nigerian Students. They come here everyday in their thousands. No need to print flyers anymore. No need to litter the noticeboard. If you post your item here, you can get a phone call from your neighbour or fellow student in your school within days, if not hours, requesting to buy your stuff.
Other SchoolGisters use this feature everyday. No dulling my fellow students. This is recession. Be wise. Check out how the system works so you can use it in future. Post it Now
If you have any issues, post it as a comment and we will look into it.