We are glad to announce that the SchoolGist CBT challenge Season 3 has begun. The 1st week of the competition is on.
Like we promised, each week, N50,000 will be up for grabs through out the competition. The 1st 20 contestants as determined by the SchoolGist CBT Ranking System will be rewarded each week.
Once again, below is the breakdown of the prizes to be won;
Weekly Cash Prize Rewards
1st Prize – N15, 000 Cash!
2nd Prize – N8, 000 Cash!
3rd Prize – N5, 000 Cash!
4th Prize – N5, 000 Cash!
5th Prize – N4,000 Cash!
6th prize - N4,000 Cash!
7th prize - N3,000 Cash!
8th prize – N2,000 Cash!
9th prize – N2,000 Cash!
10th prize – N2,000 Cash!
11th - 20th prize - SchoolGist Mobile App + Full Activation!
Oh! I almost forgot to mention that whoever emerges the 1st winner for each week will be crowned "SchoolGist Celebrity Of The Week." The person's profile as the 1st winner will grace the top section of our website (www.SchoolGist.com.ng) all through that week!
Now, what are you waiting for? Click here to create a free account (If you do not already have one) to join the competition. You need the account to access the SchoolGist CBT Classroom.
To gain more insight on how to be a winner, the tricks involved as well as the terms and conditions for the competition, visit this link: SchoolGist CBT Classroom Challenge Season 3 - N200,000 Up for Grabs
For phone users, if you are having issues using Opera Mini Browser to access SchoolGist CBT Classroom. and participate in the competition, please update to the most recent version of Opera Mini Browser. Better still, download a UC Browser or Mozilla Firefox for mobile.