I am Oke, I wrote at Delta poly Ogwashi-uku. The exam was a very fascinating one, though I was afraid at the beginning due to much side talks, but I was so determined, when I got there by 3.00pm which was my kick-off time, everything was just too easy to access, and there were people to guide you through in any knotty situation.
The exam was far better than PPT and I love it, mostly in the two novels which I read, I found no difficulty in answering them. In the 3hours we were given, many people including me ended 30mins to end time. But by advice to anyone out there is that, don't go there fidgeting or being timid but be yourself.
They are giving rough sheet which you must fill and submit after exam. But anyway by God's grace it's result that can prove your ability so its to wait with little agitation.. Thank God
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