Mountain Top University, MTU hall of residence requirements for the 2015/2016 academic session.
This is to inform all the students of the Mountain Top University (MTU) that they are expected to come along with some items that may provide minimum comfort and stress-free stay in the hall of residence.
See also: Mountain Top University Resumption Date – 2015/16.
The following items are strongly recommended.
- Pillow
- Pillow Cases
- Blanket
- Bed sheet – 4″ x 7″
- Mosquito Net
- Set of Plastic Cutlery
- Plastic Buckets
- Padlock
- Torchlight and Batteries
- Hangers
- School Bag
- Raincoat or Umbrella
- Toiletries
- Reading Lamp
- Laptop PC
- Feeding/upkeep Allowance
- Writing materials
The following items are prohibited in the Halls of Residence and anywhere on the Campus of Mountain Top University, and shall not be found in the possession of a student of the University.
- Indian Hemp/Cigarettes
- Charms or fetish objects of any kind
- Hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin and other illicit drugs
- Alcoholic drinks
- Lethal weapons (guns, bullets, explosives, etc) or injections
- Bottle, knives, fork
- Fireworks (knock-out) of any kind
- Inflammables and open flame including kerosene lamp, gas, candles, matches, lighter.
- Cooking utensils such as hot plates, rice cookers, toasters, micro waves, electric boiling ring, saucepans, blenders
- Electrical appliances and electronics such as refrigerators, grillers, hair dryers, straighteners, TV sets, Video machines, tapes, DVD and VCD players, Computer game (play station), TV card, antennas.
- Any items meant for sale or business activities.
- Raw food items.
- Jeans, chinos, corduroy and diabolic materials.
- Ungodly musical tapes, CDs, and mobile phones.
- Weight or shot put.
- Condom and contraceptives
- All forms of cult-related materials as bracelets, amulets, talisman, occultic rings, waist beads, bands, etc.
- Materials that have diabolical connotations.
- Unconventional clothing materials carrying inexplicable signs and symbols.
- Signs and emblems of known cults or secret societies/organisations in other Universities/Institutions in Nigeria or elsewhere.
- Body signs such as incisions, lacerations/cuts, piercing/perforations of parts of the body, strange shaping of beards/haircut, etc.
- Other contraband items that may be specified or published from time to time.\
SchoolGist Team.