Zaragoza Logistics Center and the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program is offering an opportunity to students who can show extraordinary potential for leadership and professional success within the area of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Through this scholarship, ZLC hopes to attract outstanding future leaders who can make a vital contribution to filling the capacity gap in Africa for well-trained supply chain and logistics professionals.
Application Deadline: 15th April 2022
Eligible Countries: African countries
Type: Masters
- African citizenship.
- Granted admission to the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program.
- Completion of a four year undergraduate program equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Professional excellence with a background or experience in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, or exceptional academic achievement.
- Competitive GRE or GMAT score. Exceptions may be granted to individuals who have demonstrated strong professional and/or academic achievement in completing a college degree – including some quantitative training and evidence of advanced verbal and written proficiency in the English language.
- Fluency in English, competitive IELTS or TOEFL score – exceptions may be granted to individuals who have demonstrated evidence of advanced verbal and written proficiency in the English language. Furthermore, the ability to speak French is a plus.
Application Process: Click Here to Apply