List Of Mineral Resources In Nigeria, Their States And Locations

List Of Mineral Resources In Nigeria, Their States And Locations

Mineral resources or natural resources as it is often referred to does not translate to Coke, Fanta, or Sprite as some may think. It refers to precious, useful materials that are found naturally under the ground. These include metallic and non metallic materials, and even gases.

According to the Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria has more than 40 mineral resources. Mineral resources generally take a lot of work to bring out (explore); the processes may be called mining or drilling.

After many years of neglect, the mining industry is starting to get noticed by the government again, and as a result, there is a lot of research going into the mineral resources in Nigeria and where they are located. Here is the available information so far.

List of Mineral Resources In Nigeria And Their Locations

1 Abia State   

Gold, Zinc, Limestone, Lead, Oil/Gas & Salt

Abia state is located in eastern Nigeria, and the most popular natural resource for which it is known is oil. Other important resources include limestone and zinc, both of which are important for the manufacturing industry. Abia state also has proven reserves of gold.

Most of these resources remain untapped even though this is quite a developed state; there are academic institutions, sports institutions, manufacturing, as well as small scale production of almost everything from clothing to electronics.

2 Abuja State

Clay, Cassiterite, Dolomite, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Marble & Tantalite

Abuja is located in the geographical center of Nigeria, and is blessed with many different types of minerals. Most of the ground is red in colour; Abuja is literally covered with clay. Other important minerals in the territory include Gold, Zinc and Tantalite which means the territory has a lot of potential for mining as well as for manufacturing.

This is the federal capital; it is one of the most developed places in the country. Nevertheless, the economy depends heavily on the presence of government establishments in the area.

3 Adamawa State

Kaolin, Magnesite, Bentonite, Gypsium

Adamawa State is located in the northeast of Nigeria. It is one of the biggest states in the Nigeria by land area, and that huge land area is blessed with several resources including Bentonite which is a chemical compound consisting of Aluminum and Magnesium.

Adamawa is a potential ground for industries built around the extraction of this mineral, as well as other minerals like Gypsium, Kaolin, and Mangnesite. These minerals can be used for manufacturing, so they could also attract manufacturing industries to the state.

4. Akwa Ibom State   

Clay, Limestone, Lignite, Oil/Gas, Lead/Zinc, Salt, Uranium

Akwa Ibom is a state in the southeast zone of Nigeria, although politically it is considered part of the South South region. Akwa Ibom is a big land mass with rolling hillsides, forests and plenty of agriculture.

Another thing that is abundant in Akwa Ibom is Oil. This state is a major oil producer, and even has plenty of oil installations and establishments located there. Limestone is another important resource in this state; which explains why Akwa Ibom is a major cement production zone.

The state also has a lot of untapped potential for the energy sector both locally and internationally because it has proven reserves of Uranium which is one of the most important elements in the development of nuclear energy.

5. Anambra State      

Clay, Limestone, Gypsium, Iron-ore, Glass-Sand, Lead, Zinc, Lignite, Phosphate & Salt

Anambra state is located in the southeast of Nigeria; it is the first of the southeastern states, located off the shore of the River Niger.

Anambra’s major resources include Iron Ore, Clay and Limestone, which means the state has a lot of potential in the areas of mining, and heavy industry, especially to produce iron and cement. Furthermore, Anambra is located along the bed of River Niger; which means industries also have the option of transporting their goods by boat if they want, or by air or road.

6. Bauchi State           

Gold, Coal, Limestone, Tin ore, Iron-ore, Columbite, Gypsium, Wolfram, Lignite, & Clay

Bauchi State is located in the northeast of Nigeria; it is an ancient place with ancient architecture that looks more Arabic than African. This state is located in both the Sudan savannah and the Sahel Savannah vegetative zones. It is an important ecological zone to the country and the continent.

Bauchi is also an important economic zone; it has many different types of minerals. In fact, it would be impossible to analyze the mineral resources in Nigeria and their locations without mentioning Bauchi State.

Bauchi has metallic minerals like Gold, Tin ore, and Iron Ore. It also has Clay, Columbite, Clay and many others.

7. Bayelsa State          

Clay, Gypsium, Lead, Maganese, Zinc, Lignite, Limestone, Oil/Gas & Uranium

Bayelsa is located in the south south zone of Nigeria; in fact it is in the southernmost tip of the country, and meets the Atlantic Ocean directly. Bayelsa also has a series of rivers and creeks flowing through it.

Bayelsa is also one of the major oil producing states in the country; there are a number of oil wells, refineries, and oil platforms in the state, and many of them are offshore.

Bayelsa is also blessed with many other resources aside from oil; it has Clay, Limestone, Oil/Gas, Lead, Maganese, and so many other minerals.

8 Benue State

Clay, Coal, Barite, Gypsium, Iron-Ore, Lead, Zinc, Limestone, Marble & Salt

Benue is located in the middle belt of the country; it is an important historical and cultural zone in the country. Its people were originally warriors, and they played an important part in maintaining the cultural diversity of Nigeria.

Benue is known as the Food Basket of the nation; the people are lovers of agriculture, and the engage in crop farming to a very large extent.

What most people do not know is that Benue is also blessed with several mineral resources including Coal, Lead, Salt, and Iron ore. This is a great place for heavy industries that can specialize in refining any of these minerals.

9 Borno State

Clay, Bentonite, Diatomite, Gypsium, Kaolin & Limestone

Borno is located in the northeast of Nigeria. In fact, Borno is on the northeastern tip of the country, a lot of the state is on the national border with Cameroon. This is an important cultural zone in the region; it was the home of the ancient Kanem Borno Empire. It is also an important ecological zone, with so many different types of animals, some of which are endangered.

Borno is also very important economic zone; there are many mineral resources located in the state including; Limestone, Gypsium, Kaolin, and Bentonite.

Borno can be a good site for mining companies, and for those who process some of these minerals.

10 Delta State

Clay, Marble, Oil and Gas, Gypsium, Iron-ore, Kaolin, Lignite

Delta state is located in the south of Nigeria. It is an important cultural zone in the country because it a melting point for the cultures of the southeast and the south south. Delta State is a big state, and also one of the most important states in the country in terms of economy.

Delta state is called the Big Heart, because it is one of the biggest oil producers in the country, and oil is the most important natural resource in the country.

Aside from oil, other natural resources in the country include Clay, Iron Ore, Gypsium, and Marble.

11 Ebonyi State

Gold, Lead, Zinc, Salt

Ebonyi is a state in the southeast; it is one of the newer states created in the region. This is an important agricultural and cultural zone. They have a unique culture that arises out of a mix of different languages and practices.

Agriculture is widely practiced in this state; rice, beans, vegetables, yam and cassava are grown there. But the land also rich in other ways; some of the natural resources hidden under the earth include Gold, Lead, Salt, and Zinc.

12 Edo State  

Gold, Iron-ore, Gypsium, Marble, Bitumen, Clay, Dolomite, Phosphate, Lignite, Limestone, and Oil/Gas

Edo State is a state located in the south of Nigeria; it is actually at the crossroads between the southwest and the south east. This is arguably the most significant cultural center in Nigeria; it is the home of the Benin Empire which held sway in most of southern Nigeria, until the arrival of the British.

Edo state is also very important because of the amount of wealth it has under the ground. It has some of the most sought after natural resources like Gold, Oil, Marble, Bitumen, and Iron ore, among others.

13 Ekiti State

Granite, Kaolin, Feldspar, Syenite & Tatium

Ekiti state is located in the southwest of Nigeria. It is an important state culturally, academically, and politically. The state is also an important ecological zone, its lakes provide water for many migrating animals.

Ekiti is also important for the mineral resources located in the state; some of which include Granite, Kaolin, and other minerals like Feldspar, Syenite & Tatium.

Ekiti has a lot of potential for heavy industries involved in manufacturing tiles, porcelain, and so many other products.

14 Enugu State

Coal, Lead, Zinc & Limestone

Enugu is located in the southeast of Nigeria; it is a state that has a lot of historical and cultural importance. It is also a famous academic center; it is the site of University of Nigeria, Nsuka; the first full fledged university in the country.

Enugu is called the Coal City; this resource has been mined since colonial days, and played a big role in the industrialization of the country, as well as in the development of the early rail system.

Other important resources located in the state include Coal, Lead, and Zinc & Limestone.

15 Gombe State

Gypsium, and different Gemstones

Gombe state is another one of the northeast states. It is also an important cultural zone, having been the home of an ancient people. Gombe is also an important ecological zone; the Yankari Game Reserve is one of the most popular wildlife reserves in the country.

Gombe also has Gypsium, and many different Gemstones in various states of abundance.

16 Imo State

Gypsium, Limestone, Oil/Gas, Lead, Zinc, Lignite, Marcasite, Phosphate & Salt

Imo State is located in the southeast of Nigeria; it is one of the most important states in the region in terms of population, culture, economics, and so on. The state is also important in terms of education and commerce.

Imo State also has plenty of mineral resources; some of which include Oil and Gas, Salt, Lead, Zinc, Phosphate, and Marcasite.

This state is already quite invested in hotel and tourism, and the people are famous for their commerce.

17 Cross River State

Oil/Gas, Barite, Limestone, Lead, Zinc, Lignite, Manganese, Salt & Uranium

Cross river state is located in the south of Nigeria; it is actually located at the southeast tip of the country. This is a beautiful place; there are rolling hills and mountain sides, rivers, and forests. The Obudu Cattle Ranch is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country. The Calabar Carnival is the most popular carnival in Africa.

Calabar is also blessed with many mineral resources, including Oil and Gas, Barite, Limestone, Lead, Zinc, Lignite, Manganese, Salt & Uranium. Of these, only Oil and Gas, Limestone and Salt are being developed. There is plenty of potential in many other industries such as energy.

18 Jigsaw State         


Jigawa state is located in the north of Nigeria; it is actually in the north central region of the country. The land is quite arid, and that makes it unique because there are some animals well adapted to this environment.

Jigawa state is blessed with Butyles; which are carbon compounds, and can be very useful for making various chemicals including artificial fuels, paints, fertilizers, and so on.

19 Kaduna State

Aqua Marine, Asbestos, Gold, Amethyst, Clay, Flosper, Gemstone, Graphite, Kaolin, Hyanite, Mica, Rock Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Sihnite, Superntinite, Tentalime, Topaz & Tourmaline

Kaduna state is one of the most important states in the north; it is a place of uncommon cultural diversity. The state is also important because it is a place of agriculture, commerce, and fashion.

Kaduna is also important because there are many natural resources located in the state, and so there is plenty of potential for mining and industry, even though it has not started to see development in many of these areas.

20. Kano State

Copper, Lead, Zinc, Gassiterite, Gemstones, Glass-sand, Pyrochinre & Tantalite

Kano state is located in the north of Nigeria. It is actually located in the north central of the country. The state is one of the most important in the country in terms of culture; it is the site of an ancient civilization, with far reaching influence in the whole of the north.

Kano State is very important for its culture, commerce, agriculture, and tourism. However, Kano State is also very important because of the many different natural resources some of which include Copper, Lead, and Zinc. The state also has Gemstones, as well as several chemical compounds.

The state has plenty of potential for heavy industries, especially manufacturing or producing purified forms of these mineral resources.

The following are other mineral resources in Nigeria and their locations. They are arranged giving the states first, and then the minerals found therein.

List NumberStateLocationMinerals
21Kastina StateNorth westSalt, Kaolin, Marble
22Kebbi StateNorth westGold
23Kogi StateNorth centralCoal, Iron-ore, Dolomite, Feldspar, Gypsium, Kaolin, Marble, Talc, Tantalite
24Kwara StateNorth centralGold, Cassiterite, Columbite, Feldspar, Iron-ore, Marble, Mica,  Tantalite
25Lagos StateSouth westClay & Glass-sand, Bitumen
26Nasarawa StateNorth centralClay, Amethyst, Iron-ore, Limestone, Barytex, Barite, Cassirite, Chalcopyrite, Columbite, Coking Coal, Dolomite/Marble, Feldspar, Galena, Mica, Salt, Sapphire, Talc, Tantalite, Tourmaline Quartz,  Zireon
27Niger StateNorth centralGold, Talc, Lead, Zinc,
28Ogun StateSouth westClay, Limestone, Bitumen, Feldspar, Gemstones, Kaolin, Phosphate
29Ondo StateSouth westOil/Gas, Bitumen, Clay, Coal, Limestone, Feldspar, Gemstone, Glass-Sand, Granite, Gypsium, Kaolin,
30Osun StateSouth westGold, Columbite, Granite, Talc, Tantalite, Tourmaline
31Oyo StateSouth westGold, Dolomite, Aqua Marine, Cassiterite, Clay, Gemstone, Kaolin, Marble, Silimonite, Talc, Tantalite
32Plateau StateNorth centralBauxite, Coal, Barite, Lead, Betonite, Bismuth, Cassiterite, Clay, Emerald, Fluoride, Gemstone, Granite, Iron-ore, Wolfram Kaolin, Zinc, Marble, Molybdenite, Phrochlore, Salt, Tantalite/Columbite, Tin
33Rivers StateSouth southOil and Gas, Clay, Glass-Sand, Lignite, Marble
34Sokoto StateNorth westLimestone, Gold, Clay, Flakes, Granite, Gypsium, Kaolin, Laterite, Phosphate, Potash, Silica Sand & Salt
35Taraba StateNorth eastLead, Zinc
36Yobe StateNorth eastTintomite, Soda Ash
37Zamfara StateNorth westGold, Coal

That is authentic information about the mineral resources in Nigeria and their locations. As a bonus this post also pin points the particular region where all the states are. This post also touches upon the potential of the various minerals in terms of economy.

Readers can also find out about the state of development of each of the places where the minerals are found. This will help to assure potential investors that there are ready markets as well as available manpower for whatever industries they intend to establish.

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