GMMP WanaData Fellowship: Applications are invited from suitably qualified women journalists for the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) WanaData Fellowship targeted at engaging African women for the Data research.
The fellowship seeks to explore the potentials of women representation in the media including key challenges, barriers and opportunities in journalism. Stories produced will further showcase the implications of possible action points that can address identified gaps.
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GMMP WanaData Fellowship
Application Deadline | 12 Nov 2021 |
Type | Fellowship |
Sponsor | Medium |
Gender | Women |
Aim and Benefits of GMMP WanaData Fellowship
- Award of 6,000 USD funding
- Each fellow will receive bi-monthly training and mentorship sessions by CfA’s data analysts and trainers.
- Fellows will publish their findings with local media partners across Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria and South Africa.
Requirements for GMMP WanaData Fellowship Qualification
Interested applicants for the fellowship must meet the following requirements:
- Be an established female journalist or digital storyteller (such as a blogger or social media content creator) with a minimum one year track-record in journalism and reportage.
- Must be based in either Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria or South Africa.
- Must be fluent in English.
- Be affiliated with a media partner, as such you must publish/broadcast your work in mainstream media.
Application Deadline
November 12, 2021How to Apply
Interested applicants for the GMMP WanaData Fellowship 2021 are to complete and submit an application on or before the application deadline.
For more details, visit the website.