Mathematics Scheme Of Work For Primary 1 1st Term, 2nd Term & 3rd Term (2024)

Mathematics Scheme Of Work For Primary 1 1st Term, 2nd Term & 3rd Term (2024)

Nursery and primary schools are mandated to operate with the government approved scheme of work for primary schools in Nigeria according to the federal ministry of education as this brings about unison in the educational sector. However, some private schools are at the liberty to introduce some special form on teaching known as the Montessori style. This method of teaching has gained popularity in Nigeria because the Montessori curriculum has been widely accepted as the ideal learning environment for children from primary to elementary stages.

The continuous rise in the search for mathematics scheme of work primary 1 first term, second term and third term has been brought to our notice and we thought it necessary to come up with a comprehensive document that can be downloaded for your personal use and kept for future references. This scheme of work is ideal for teachers and assistant teachers in private and public primary schools in Nigeria.

This post will intimate all educationists the current government approved scheme of work for mathematics for  students in primary 1 which covers all the topics meant for first term, second term and third term. It provides in non ambiguous terms, what is expected by the National Common Entrance Examination as a body in preparing these students for the next level which is primary 2 which finally would take them to secondary school level.

Ideally, the mathematics scheme of work primary 1 first term, is a continuation from the scheme of work for mathematics in Nursery school grade, this scheme of work otherwise known as curriculum has been systematically arranged for ease of progression and proper understanding for little children. There has to be a flow, that is, a continuation from the previous class in order for kids to better understand the subject.

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To further emphasize the importance of the subject matter, the scheme of work is used as a checklist to ensure that all topics are treated within the prescribed period until the revision week and examination day. It covers the topics and time frame given for each topic and sub topic. It also ensures that the learning process, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully accomplished.

Note that the scheme of work for mathematics for primary one class is the same for both private and public primary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private primary school is the same with that of public or government owned primary school. It is the responsibility of head teachers in primary schools to ensure this scheme of work is actively made use of as mandated by the ministry of education. Any school found doing otherwise would face the penalty for going against this directive.

The importance of this subject cannot be overemphasized, this is one of the few subjects that are offered in elementary stages in primary schools up to secondary and higher institutions. Primary school Maths is a very interesting subject if well taught. Patience must be worn as a garment by teachers and assistant teachers when teaching these students because their level of assimilation is still slow hence any move to speed up the teaching process would affect the understanding of this subjects by the pupils. Remember they are kids and they need to be handled with utmost care and love.

This post carries weight because it provides in full, details about the current mathematics scheme of work for primary 1 first term, second term and third term and this includes the government approved scheme of work for all topics and sub-topics for primary school mathematics for primary 1 only. We have the complete scheme of work for primary schools in Nigeria however we decided it would be better to break it down subject by subject to avoid over clumsiness.

For those interested in how to register and start up a school in any state in Nigeria, it is important you go through the government approved guidelines for establishing private primary school as this would guide you through the process and give you first hand information on all requirements that must be put in place before your school can be approved or termed Government Approved.

Please note that the mathematics scheme or work for primary 1 (1st term, 2nd term and 3rd term) provided here are the currently government approved scheme of work applicable to all public and private primary and Montessori schools in Nigeria so you can trust the source of the information.

What You Stand To Gain From This Post

  • The complete scheme of work for primary schools in Nigeria
  • Mathematics scheme of work for primary 1 class for first term
  • Mathematics scheme of work for primary 1 class for second term
  • The government approved scheme of work for primary 1 mathematics third term



Week 1: Division of numbers, notations from 1 to 50.

Week 2: Counting, identification and writing of numbers from 1 to 100

Week 3: Counting in groups of tens and units (place value).

Week 4: Greater than > and less than <

Week 5: Odd and even numbers not exceeding 30

Week 6: Addition of numbers without carrying

Week 7: Addition of numbers with carrying

Week 8: Addition of numbers in Hundred Tens and Units (HTU) and expansions of numbers.

Week 9: Subtraction without carrying

Week 10: Subtracting with carrying

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination


Week 1: Revision of first term work

Week 2: Introduction to multiplication table (2 to 4)

Week 3: Multiplication as repeated addition.

Week 4: Introduction of division, sharing and grouping

Week 5: Functions (whole number, 1/2, and 1/4)

Week 6: Open sentence

Week 7: Money (identification of Naira and Kobo, simple addition).

Week 8: Changing Kobo to Naira and Naira to Kobo

Week 9: Shopping with Naira and Kobo

Week 10: Revision

Week 11: Examination


Week 1: Revision of second terms work

Week 2: Length

Week 3: Conversion of centimeter to metre and vice versa

Week 4: Capacity

Week 5: Weight

Week 6: Time, day and week

Week 7: Two dimensional shapes

Week 8: Three dimensional shapes

Week 9: Comparison of shapes involving length, breadth, area and perimeter etc.

Week 10: Data collection

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Hope this is well understood? The primary 1 mathematics scheme of work for first term, second term and third term as seen above are the government approved scheme of work for primary schools in Nigeria irrespective of the state the school is sited. For those interested in teaching or setting up a school, this free document will go a long way in making your teaching adventure more interesting.

Do you have any questions as regards the government approved scheme of work for primary 1 mathematics for the full session? please feel free to reach out to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.

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