Marketing lesson note for SS2 Second Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all secondary schools in Nigeria, in other words, all private secondary schools in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Marketing.
Marketing lesson note for SS2 Second Term has been provided in detail here on schoolgist.ng

For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, Marketing lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Marketing as a subject offered at SS level. The lesson note for Marketing for SS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.
To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for Marketing spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.
Marketing Lesson note for SS2 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.
The SS2 Marketing lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.
The sudden increase in the search for SS2 Marketing lesson note for Second Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Secondary Examination.
This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the government-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in Marketing as a subject offered in SS2.
Please note that Marketing lesson note for SS2 provided here for Second Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.
I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.
SS2 Marketing Lesson Note (Second Term) 2024
Warehousing l
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
- Define warehousing
- List the functions of warehousing
- Meaning of Warehousing
- Functions of Warehousing
Warehousing could be described as as a logistic function of an organization’s ability to provide a high level of customer service. It is the marketing effort of holding products until they are ready to be sold. The success of warehousing is a product of good and careful organisational planning, competency of staff in charge, good market analysis and forecasting economic indices. It must be noted that good customer service is the desired end result of virtually all business activities of which warehousing is important/determining factor.
Functions of Warehousing
- It helps to preserve products.
- It helps to conserve products in a time of surplus.
- It helps to guide hoarding of products by ‘glutton/selfish’ businessmen.
- It helps to hold products until they are ready to be sold.
- It helps to control the artificial scarcity of products.
- It serves as a source of incomes to other class of people e.g logistics, estate agents and brokers.
- It creates jobs for many unemployed people.
- It helps in inventory control i.e. the attempt made by the organisation to hold the lowest level of inventory that still enables it to meet customer demand.
- It helps to stabilise the economy.
- It helps to checkmate smuggling.
Warehousing ll
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
- List the types of warehousing
- Give the importance of each type.
- Types of warehousing.
- Importance of each type.
Types of warehousing
- Storage warehouse
- Distribution warehouse
Storage warehouse
it holds goods and services for moderate to long periods in an attempt to balance supply and demand for manufacturers and consumers.
Importance of Storage Warehouse
Storage warehousing is of great importance to the fast-developing businesses of today.
- It helps lessen the expense of companies in having to transport all the goods to different places.
- Storage warehouses serve as depots for merchandise or other parts for manufacturing companies.
- Storage warehouses are basically commercial buildings used in storing goods or merchandise owned by different companies.
- These warehouses are generally used by companies involved in businesses. These businesses include exporting, importing, manufacturing, wholesaling, transporting, and many other industries that require large storage facilities. Storage buildings are often comprised of very wide areas that are mostly located in industrial zones.
- Storage warehouses are equipped with cranes, forklifts, and container trucks which are used in loading and unloading cargos.
Distribution warehouse
It assembles and redistributes goods, keeping them moving as much as possible.
Importance of Distribution Warehouse
- Distribution warehouses facilitate assembling the product and redistributing it within a short period of time.
- They can also be centralised (when located near the factory) or decentralised (when located near the market).
- Distribution warehouse has the flexibility to warehouse goods that are redistributed to wholesalers, retailers and/or directly to customers simultaneously.
Warehousing lll
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
Enumerate the activities of warehouses
Activities of warehouses.
Activities of Warehouses
After goods are received and before goods are shipped, a series of internal warehouse activities take place to ensure an effective flow through the warehouse and to organize and maintain company inventories.
Warehouses most often perform the following activities:
- Protective, packaging and material handling: This is the managerial function of arranging and controlling activities for moving products within plants. Warehousing protects, packages and carefully handles materials from spoilage or damage.
- Order processing: This involves a credit check, recording of sale which requires record-keeping tasks such as crediting a sales representative making appropriate accounting entries and locating ordered products and adjusting inventory records.
iii. Inventory control system: This is the operation of an attempt made by organisations to hold the lowest of inventory that will still enable it to meet customers demand and this activity at times is performed by warehouses.
- Typical warehouse activities include putting items away, moving items inside or between warehouses, and picking items for assembly, production, or shipment.
- Assembling items for sale or inventory may also be considered warehouse activities. In large warehouses, these different handling tasks can be separated by departments and the integration managed by a directed workflow. In simpler installations, the flow is less formalized and the warehouse activities are performed with so-called inventory put-aways and inventory picks.
Warehousing IV
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
List the functions of each type of Warehouse
Functions of types of warehouses
- Wholesaler
Retailer warehouse
Bonded warehouse
Functions Wholesaler Warehouse
- The warehouse house serves as manufacturer depot.
- It serves as retailers place of pick up
- It creates employment for unemployed
- It serves as a place to launch a new product
- It is a place for bulk buyers
Functions of Retailer Warehouse
Overseeing the receipt and storage of incoming items
Processing orders and planning the dispatching of products
Monitoring space and tracking stock levels
Setting aside storage areas for new stock
Planning rotas
Meeting productivity targets
Maintaining computerised admin (often in spreadsheet form)
Maintaining automated storage and retrieval systems
Recruiting, disciplining and training staff
Ensuring security arrangements are in place
Scheduling equipment maintenance and replacing when required
Ensuring products are stocked correctly and safely (especially chemicals and food, that could be pretty dangerous)
Functions of Bonded Warehouse
A bonded warehouse is a warehouse operated by a private company in a foreign country under the regulatory supervision of that country’s customs agency.
Its main advantage is to defer the payment of customs duties.
Like a standard warehouse, bonded warehouses let businesses store their goods closer to foreign customers for faster delivery, with the advantage of pushing out the payment of customs duties until the goods are released from the bonded warehouse.
They are used for storing imported or exported goods.
Bonded warehouses provide specialized storage services such as deep freeze or bulk liquid storage, commodity processing, and coordination with transportation, and are an integral part of the global supply chain.
Structures and Market Union for the Sale of Goods l
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
- Explain the primary products.
- Give an example of primary products.
- Primary products
- Examples of Primary product
- yam tubers
fresh tomatoes etc.
Meaning of Product
A product could be defined as anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a need or want. It comprises of physical goods, services and variety of other items that can satisfy human requirements.
Primary Products
These are goods and services purchased and used by final consumer. It is also known as ‘consumer products’.
Classes of Primary Products
The primary product can be classified into :
(a) Convenience goods: These are products acquired by consumers with less effort in terms of shopping. They are purchased frequently, no information is sought before buying. Essentially, these are goods that are habitual with consumers. The buying behaviour of the consumers for convenience goods is anchored on habit.
(b) Shopping goods: With shopping goods, consumers are ready and willing to shop by taking time to compare price-quality, durability, brands, suitability, taste, style before making the decision to buy. Such goods include furniture, household appliances, wears, shoes, etc. Shopping goods are more durable than convenience goods.
(c) Speciality goods: With these products, consumers do not acceptable substitute in their mind. They are ready to search until they can find them based on brand names, trade. Speciality goods do not involve the buyer in making comparisons, buyers invest time only to reach the seller of speciality goods. E.g types of cars, suits, electronics, designer’s fashion wears, wristwatches, handsets etc.
(d) Unsought goods: With these products, consumers do not realise that they want or need them. Most new products fall into a category which consumers buy accidentally, consumers do not think or preparing to buy them and for consumers to be influenced to buy these products, the substantial marketing effort is required in form of advertising and personal selling.
Examples of Primary products are:
- yam tubers
fresh tomatoes etc.
Structures and Market Union for the Sale of Goods ll
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
Identify the structure for the sale of primary goods.
Structure for the sale of primary goods.
Structure for Marketing Primary Product
There are several types of channel structure, dependent on the type of goods. An example of a structure for consumer goods such as food and clothing could be an Agent etc.
The channel consists of complete organizations.
Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Agent, Retailer, Consumer, Manufacturers’ agents and selling agents are included with the merchants even though they do not take title to the goods. Physical movement follows exactly the movement of ownership.
The efficiency of the process can be increased via an intermediary.
Channel intermediaries arise to adjust the discrepancy of assortments through the performance of the sorting processes.
Marketing agencies remain together in channel arrangements to provide the routine of transactions.
Channels exist to facilitate deliveries and to avoid inventory stock-outs
As numbers of transactions increase, the need for intermediaries becomes greater. The marketing channel is a ‘canal’ which contains the physical flow of products. Because of the complex array of intermediaries operating within a channel, which may be involved in one or all aspects of channel function, the channel may also be visualized as a chain-link arrangement where each intermediary unit is effectively a link.
Manufacturers are dependent on the effectiveness of their intermediaries if their channels of distribution are to meet their marketing goals. Intermediaries of a channel specializing in more than one function. Their inclusion primarily depends on their superior efficiency in the performance of basic marketing tasks. Such intermediaries, through their experience, specialization, contacts and scale of operation, offer other channel members more than they can achieve on their own. However, this type of specialization leads to some important behavioural concepts.
Structures and Market Union for the Sale of Goods lll
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
- Explain the secondary products.
- Enumerate some examples of secondary products.
- Secondary products
- Examples of secondary products
- textiles
bread etc.
Secondary Products
These refer to goods and services that are purchased and used for the production of other products.
Classes of Secondary Products
(a) Foundation products: These refers to manufacturing machine upon which production of products is hinged. Examples are accessories(building and fixed equipment), installations(office chairs, tables) etc.
(b) Entering products: These refer to ingredients or components of products. These are the part that goes into the product. Examples are raw materials(maize for producing popcorn, iron ore, crude oil, cotton for textiles, that is, mineral resources and agricultural products), fabricating materials and parts.
(c) Facilitating products: These are operating supplies that are used up in the operation of the form but do not become part of the product. They are usually budgeted as expenses and have a short life span. The essence of the goods is to keep the foundation goods to function properly, efficiently and productively. Examples include lubricating oil, diesel, petrol, labels, saw blades, etc.
Examples of secondary products
- textiles
bread etc.
Structures and Market Union for the Sale of Goods lV
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
Identify Structure for marketing secondary products.
Structure (channel) for marketing secondary products.
Structure for Marketing Secondary Products.
Buyers and sellers are often engaged in similar activities within the marketplace. There is a degree of uncertainty if manufacturers are unsure of customer wants and needs, and consumers are not always sure what they will find. In this respect, marketing channels facilitate the searching process in locations
Wholesale and retail institutions are organized by different product groups; for example, fashion, hardware, grocery.
Many products are widely available from wide-ranging locations
The following are the structure/ channel of marketing secondary product:
Direct Selling
Direct selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location. Peddling is the oldest form of direct selling.
Selling Through Intermediaries
A marketing channel where intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers are utilized to make a product available to the customer is called an indirect channel.
Dual Distribution
Dual distribution describes a wide variety of marketing arrangements by which the manufacturer or wholesalers uses more than one channel simultaneously to reach the end-user. They may sell directly to the end-users as well as sell to other companies for resale. Using two or more channels to attract the same target market can sometimes lead to channel conflict.
Reverse Channels
Technology, however, has made another flow possible. This one goes in the reverse direction and may go — from consumer to intermediary to the beneficiary. Think of making money from the resale of a product or recycling.
There is another distinction between reverse channels and the more traditional ones — the introduction of a beneficiary. In reverse flow, you won’t find a producer. You’ll only find a User or a Beneficiary.
Structures and Market Union for the Sale of Goods V
Performance Objectives
Students should be able to:
- State union involvement in local markets.
- Importance of involvement.
- Market union involvement in local markets.
- Importance of union involvement in local markets.
Market unions involvement
The influence of market union, several organisations both private and public, to ensure quality production of goods and services can not be underestimated. Each industry has a union which oversees the welfare of the member firms and in marketing, there are different organisations that are involved to ensure that good product are produced either primary or secondary products.
Market union are an association of traders in a particular commodity who come together to promote their own objective. Market union perform two main functions, social and political.
Socially, they render financial help to members in time of lack and during important occasions.
Politically, they lobby the authorities to ensure adequate supply, maintenance and improvement of the facilities at the traditional open market. They also restrict and regulate entry into their type of trade. They also control price through collusive price-fixing.
Importance of market unions
- Fight for the right of the groups and unions
- Protest against unjustifiable treatment against their members.
- Demand for production of quality goods and services.
- Support the government for the smooth running of the economy.
- Protest against unfavourable government policy.
- Discipline erring member firms for violation of rules, regulation and policies.
- Ensure the production, availability and accessibility of goods and services.
- Enlightens the public on matters of common interest especially on new laws and regulations regarding their industry.
- Payment of dues to the government and encouraging member firms to pay lawful taxes and levies.
- Perform other legitimate and civilized functions.
- Organise product exhibitions, workshops and symposium for public knowledge and enlightenment.
Structures and Market Union for the Sale of Goods VI
Performance objectives
Students should be able to:
- State union involvement in local markets.
- State the advantages of union involvement in local markets.
- Market visit
- Advantages of union involvement in local markets
iii. Problems of union involvement in local markets.
Market Visit
This usually comes after market research, and it is an experience at firsthand getting to know the economic and market conditions, business, culture, future competitors of a territory.
Advantages of Union Involvement in Local Market
- Market union create an atmosphere for sales in their locality
- The union set in a strong standard to control the local market
- Market union also be in support of price control
- The union fight for the injection of money into the circular flow of the local market
- The union also serve as financial aid for traders
Problems of Union involvement in Local Market
- Uneven concentration
The most active trade unions are in large areas with a high concentration of industries, but similar activity is feeble in small organizations. It is the main reason for the poor attitude of employers to employees in small organizations.
- Small size
Today, there are over a hundred trade unions throughout Nigeria. Unfortunately, most of these unions are insignificant due to their size and quantity. Because of these qualities, the result of the work of the trade unions is reduced almost to zero.
- Inadequate finance
As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of trade unions in Nigeria, but only some of them have a large number of participants, which directly affects the level of income. But the financial problem is present not only in small companies but also in large ones. Due to a significant number of participants, it is difficult to keep track of whether all taxes are paid, which is also bad for the general welfare.
- Poor leadership
The war for a leadership position occurs not only at the top of power, but such manipulations take place even between members of trade unions. Often news tells us about the conflicts during the elections, sometimes even with the use of weapons. Most union members usually put their own interests and goals at the forefront and are not oriented towards the common good.
- Corruption
The reputation of some Nigerian trade unions has suffered greatly due to the high level of corruption inherent in both union leaders and its members. There were cases when trade unionists were accused of abuse of power, bribery, and theft of union property.
- Proliferation of unions
Since there are a lot of trade unions in the country, there is a factor in the speciality in the same sphere, which in turn leads to rivalry, conflicts, and reduced efficiency of labour.
- Indifference, apathy, and lack of motivation
Virtually all union members have no special interest in the activities of their organization, so they are rare guests of meetings. The main reason for this situation is the lack of financial motivation and rewards, so employees see only disadvantages in joining a trade union.
Hope you got what you visited this page for? The above is the lesson note for Marketing for SS2 class. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.
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