The management of Maritime Academy Oron hereby invites all the candidates who selected Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa Ibom State as their institution of First Choice and have scored the minimum of 100 marks (National cut-off-mark) to attend the Post JAMB Aptitude Test for National Diploma as stated bellow:
Arrival: Sunday 17th September, 2017
Aptitude Test: Monday – Friday (18th – 22nd Sept., 2017)
Departure: Saturday, 23rd September, 2017
Time: 0900 hours (each day)
Venue: Maritime Academy of Nigeria
P.M.B 1089, College Road,
Akwa Ibom State.
ND - Nautical Science
ND - Marine Engineering
ND - Boat/Ship Building Technology
ND - Electrical/Electronic Engineering
ND - Maritime Transport and Business Studies
Requirements for the Aptitude Test:
Candidates are requested to report for the aptitude test with the following:
i) JAMB result print-out(with candidate’s photograph)
ii) Original copy of credentials (including First School Leaving Certificate/Testimonial).
iii) Original copy of Birth Certificate/Age Declaration.
iv) Original copy of Certificate of Local Government/State of Origin.
v) A pair of White Canvas and Socks.
vi) White Short and Vest.
vii) Blanket.
viii) Bucket and Drinking Cup.
ix) Toiletries.
Accommodation would be provided free to all candidates, while arrangement would be made in respect of feeding on pay-as-you-eat basis.
However, candidates are expected to come with sufficient amount of money for their feeding.
Aptitude Test Fee:
Candidates are requested to pay for Post JAMB UTME Aptitude Test as follows:
a) Medical Fee = N 13,000.00
b) Aptitude Test Fee = N 2,000.00
Total = N15,000.00
Mode of Payment:
Candidates are requested to pay through the bank or through net using the following step-by-step procedure:
Application Form Purchase Procedure:
-Visit www.macademyoron.org
-Click on “Application Form”
-Click on “Purchase Form”, you will be directed to the Personal Information page, enter the following information
-Fill in the details correctly
-Select Program: you will need to select National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Post Graduate Diploma (PGD), Miscellaneous (For Post JAMB UTME Aptitude Test)
-Password (You will use this password to login):
-Confirm Password, and then Click “Continue”
-Select Course of choice
-Click “Pay Via Remita”, you will be redirected to the “Remita Invoice Page”,
-Choose the method of payment e.g Internet Banking, ATM Card, Bank Branch
-If Bank Branch: copy the RRR code and take it to any bank to make payment.
-If ATM Card, enter your card details; Card Number, Expiry Date, cvv and pin.
-You will be directed to a page that displays your Examination Number, Transaction ID, RRR, Transaction Status and Transaction Time.
-Click on “Click here to Log in” you will be directed to the log in page
-Enter your Exam number and your password to login, you will be directed to the “Complete Registration Page”
-Complete your registration by correctly filling in your Application Data, Next of Kin, Referee.
-Click “Upload O’level” ; Add all O’level subjects by clicking the add button.
-After adding O’level subjects, click on “Upload Passport”
-Upload your passport and click the “upload passport” button
-If you are applying for HND or PGD programs, upload your certificate
-And then Click “Print Photocard” (You will need this for the Entrance/Interview)
Dr. Daniel J. Essien,MNIM, FCAI,
For: Registrar