The Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron (MANORON) resumption date for commencement of academic activities has been announced. Students can check out the schedule and guidelines below;
The Maritime Academy of Nigeria will reopen for Academic Activities on 28 October 2020. Details are as follows:
1.Arrival. Hostels will be opened from 28 October 2020.
2. Classes.
a. Exit classes (HND II and ND II) are to resume lectures on 2 November 2020.
b. HND I and ND I are to continue with online lectures and resume physically at the Academy on 5 January 2021.
3. Assessment. First Assessment Test will be conducted for the exit classes on 6 November 2020. Absentees should consider the test forfeited.
4.Resumption Requirements.
a. Cadets are to pay the fees below via the e-Transact platform.
Accommodation – N2,000.00
Facility Maintenance – N2,000.00
Examination – N2,000.00
Use of Library – N1,000.00
Graduation – N10,000.00
Feeding from 1 November to 20th December @N378 per day – 18,900.00
Total Fee – N35,900.00
Generate payee ID via https://maritimeacademy.edu.ng/makePayment.php
b. Cadets must provide evidence of payment on arrival.
c. Cadets must provide COVID-Free Certificates obtained from any NCDC approved Centre. Details of the Certificates shall be cross-checked by the Management and any cadet found with false presentation shall be sanctioned.
d. Passes will not be granted during the 2 months period cadets are to stay on campus to conclude their programme for fear of contamination except on extreme compassionate grounds.
5. Feeding. In line with NCDC Guidelines on COVID-19, cadets will not be centrally fed at the Refectory. Cadets are advised to bring along their food flasks and cutleries. Cadets are also to collect their meals in batches which will be monitored by the Regiment and return to their hostels to feed.
6.Accommodation. All hostel rooms are ensuite and cadets are to be accommodated one person per room till further notice.
7.Staff Resumption. All Academic and Non-Academic Staff irrespective of rank/grade levels, are hereby directed to resume work on 26 October 2020. Defaulters will be sanctioned.
8. COVID-19. The Academy has put in place strategies in line with the NCDC and Ministry of Education Protocols on COVID-19. These include:
a. Temperature Checks. Temperature checks shall be conducted daily before entry into classrooms, hostels and other strategic locations within the Academy.
The Management has installed Thermal Cameras at strategic positions. In addition, hand held infrared thermometers shall be provided for each classroom and hostels. Class Reps are to collect for their respective classes upon resumption from the Coordinator Academic Affairs.
b. Compulsory Use of Face masks/Hand Sanitizers. Use of face masks/hand sanitisers is compulsory. The Academy has provided the following:
(1) Cadets will be provided with KN95 face masks (4 pieces per cadet).
(2) Alcohol-based hand held sanitisers shall be provided for cadets (2 bottles each) and will be replaced when exhausted.
(3) Motion detecting dispensing sanitising machines has been installed at the main gate, entrances to classrooms, hostels, office blocks and other locations within the Academy.
c. Physical Distancing. Physical distancing is compulsory. Consequently, parade drills, sporting activities etc have been suspended till further notice.
d. Fumigation. All hostels and classrooms will be fumigated before arrival of cadets.
e. Campus Task Force on COVID-19. The Head of Health Services Department of the Academy has been appointed as the Chairman of the Task Force on COVID-19. He will organise snap talks with the Cadets on measure to keep safe as soon as they resume.