With all indication, what happened this year in the UTME 2013 is a confederation lesson to teach all Nigeria students and all present Post UTME candidates that, there is a need to study and practice our books carefully before any exam instead of believing that exam malpractice is the easiest way to go.SchoolGist.com.ng is hereby urging our students to pardon and reason with Prof. Dibu Ojerinde owing to the fact that he went to the extent of trying to prove that JAMB is not guilty of the mass failure experience in the 2013 UTME.
Please lets learn from our individual mistakes and let go of any habit of believing that this enemy called "MALPRACTICE" Can do it for us. Let's re-introduce ourselves to the idea that the only way is by practicing our dear books so we can subdue challenges like this in our life times, be it another exam, debate etc.
Further more SchoolGist.com.ng is promising to make sure that our students take the lead in challenges like this by providing all necessary materials needed for our students to become the best candidates.
In addition to this piece of advice, please all 2013 Jamb candidates should not lose hope yet for 2013/2014 admission as Prof. dibu Ojerinde has promise to have a private meeting with Institution VC's in Nigeria on 18th June to determine admission cut-off marks for 2013/2014.
Stay updated with us SchoolGist.com.ng for more news on this year's admission saga and don't forget that is in practicing that we perfect our perfection.