I want to believe you were able to catch some vital points in my recently published article on the Advice To Jambites.
Certainly I expect you to wonder at my topic this time around "Maintaining A Positive Mind In A Time Like This" because I have decided to come with something needful to you in this admission expecting period.
Yes, and that is the time I am talking about.
The point is that in a time like this when everybody is expecting admission, there will be various rumors and facts concerning the criteria for admission that might want to get you discouraged or disturbed over some shortcomings you have either in your 0level or Jamb result.
I have been monitoring various treads in here and I could see people give their perspective on other peoples Utme scores and Grades which I must confess has made a lot of people loose hope or get into doubt.
I am not saying the truth shouldn't be said but there are some assumptions that kills the mind.
I will be talking to everybody individually in this post and I will want you all to hold it very firm.
There a great need for you to maintain a positive mind in a time like this despite whatsoever score you might have. Even if you are combining results and yet scored below 200 but above 180, you are not the first to meet yourself in such position.
There are people who had it like that and secured admission last year which I am a witness of.
It is necessary that you use the BOB tactics Rather than Doubt or lament.
By BOB, I mean Based On Believe.
One of the things that triggered me to put up this post was a guy who scored 176 and yet categorically told me that he will be admitted in LASU because his score is close to 180 and his course is less competitive.
It sounded ridiculous to me but I carried on with him in the same believe. That doesn't mean he won't make preparations for an alternative which is poly anyway.
The point is that you must stay positive. If know you have a low jamb score, go for a change of institution or course that you know will help you secure admission.
Don't just sit down thinking, there is always an hidden solution to every solution. So get up and find it.
Change your course where necessary or change the institution if need and hope that all will be well. One thing you should know is that favour breaks protocols.
Maintain a good and positive mind and watch things go smooth.
For more motivational articles, visit www.dailyguide.com.ng
Written By
Kayode Oluwatobiloba Emmanuel
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