Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into our full time (two years) and part time (three years) Diploma programme in Law for the 2015/2016 academic session at the Okija Campus of the University.
The programme is particularly packaged for Judiciary Staff who are not Lawyers, other workers whose duties involve knowledge of the Rule of Law (Police, Prisons, Customs, etc); as well as those who intend to pursue a career in any establishment that requires basic knowledge of law.
Candidates seeking admission into any of the full time or part time programmes shall possess at least FOUR (4) credits in SSCE/NECO or WASC/GCE O/L in one sitting or FIVE (5) credits at not more than two sittings. This must include English Language and English Literature and a pass in Mathematics.
Candidates with Teachers Grade II Certificate plus three (3) O/L credits in WASC/GCE or its equivalent to include English Language and English Literature may be considered for admission. OND or NCE candidates plus \credit level passes in English Language and English Literature at WASC/GCE O/L or its equivalent are also eligible to apply.
Application forms for admission are obtainable from the Admissions Office of the University on payment of application fee of Ten Thousand Naira only (N10,000.00) payable at any branch of the Mayfresh Mortgage Bank Ltd or any of the campuses of the University: Elele, Okija and Akpugo.
A screening /aptitude test shall be conducted in the three (3) campuses of the University for all candidates at a date to be announced.
Successful candidates shall be required to pay a non fundable acceptance fee of fifty thousand naira (N50,000.00) to the University.