Luis Valtuea International Humanitarian Photography Award 2019

Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award 2019

Luis Valtuena International Humanitarian Photography Award

The Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award, granted by Médicos del Mundo Spain recognizes the work of professional photographers who, through their images, denounce inequities, injustices and abuses, or testify to the situations that propitiate them or that fight.

By giving this prize the proper name of the photographer and cooperator Luis Valtueña, tribute is paid to his memory and that of three other cooperating members of the association who were murdered in Rwanda (1997) and in Bosnia (1995) when they were carrying out actions humanitarian

This award also wants to highlight human values and evidence all kinds of violations of people’s rights. Doctors of the World is firmly committed to documentary photography to raise awareness among the general public and promote social mobilization, in order to contribute to the eradication of the worst of diseases: injustice.

Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award Theme.

The photographs must narrate or tell a story related to these topics: humanitarian action, international cooperation, social exclusion, human rights violations, armed conflicts, natural disasters, refugee and immigrant populations or socially excluded groups.

Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award Eligibility.

  • Photographers and photographers of any nationality, of legal age and related to the documentary approach, may participate;
  • The workers of Doctors of the World, nor their relatives up to the first degree of consanguinity will not be able to concur to this call. Neither may the members of the jury, nor the technical team directly linked to the Prize, nor their relatives to the first degree of consanguinity;
  • The photographic project must conclude before November 30, 2020. And its author undertakes not to publish it by any means before the individual exhibition that will be held to present the final result in Madrid in January, 2021. This exhibition may circulate through more than one exhibition room.

Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award Prize.

  • A unique prize will be awarded. The winning person will receive a work grant of 6,000 Euros (raw amount, the corresponding withholding will be applied depending on the nationality and the situation of the beneficiary) to make an in-depth report consisting of at least 50 photographs and how many pieces of video and / or audio it considers pertinent, around some of the lines of work of Doctors of the World, being able to be carried out in any of the countries in which the organization develops programs of humanitarian action and / or cooperation to the development.

The winner will have to present his work proposal to Médicos del Mundo in February of 2020, which will include the focus, description and objectives of the project, taking into account the mutual interests and the operational and safety conditions in the possible destinations. The proposal will be evaluated jointly with its author and once the agreement is formalized, the association and the advisory council of the Prize will provide the photographer with the due accompaniment and support for the complete development of their project.

How to Enter Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award.

Each applicant may submit a single application to this call. The documentation must be completed in Spanish, English or French.

All requests must be sent to the email exclusively through the WeTransfer platform, as a message or as a link. If you choose the second option, in the subject of the message it should read: XXIII LUIS VALTUEÑA PRIZE + NAME AUTHOR / A.

The following documentation must be attached:

  • A photographic series of maximum ten images. At least 30% of the total of the series must have been made between January 2019 and October 2019 and not have been presented in previous editions of the Prize.
  • Photographs must be presented in digital format, such as JPEG images (* .jpg) with an average quality of 5000 pixels in the longest dimension and 72 dpi / dpi resolution, using the Adobe RGB (preferred) or sRGB color space.
  • The weight of each file should not exceed 3 MB. Each image must have a title in the metadata / exif field of the file.
  • The name of the author should not be included in the titles of the images or exif fields.
  • The original structure of the digital image can only be altered by dark room techniques such as brightness, contrast and color adjustments, overexposure and sub-exposure. No other change in the original digital image will be allowed.
  • Only photographs of a single frame (single frame) will be accepted. Photomontages and multiple exhibitions will be excluded from the contest. In case of doubt as to a possible digital alteration of the image outside of the permitted in the bases of this prize, the organization reserves the right to request the participants the original file of the photograph without retouching, as it was recorded by the camera, or a scanned and untreated, negative copy or slide.
  • Form duly completed. Includes basic identification data of the applicant and his/her series photographic

Application Form Official Link

Deadline: 8th November, 2019.

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