The Rector of Fed Poly Bauchi has approved the list of accredited courses offered in Fed Poly Bauchi, officially known as Bauchi Poly.
Before we go into details about the list of courses offered in Fed poly Bauchi, readers need to be informed about the body responsible for accreditation and dis-accreditation of courses in all Polytechnics in Nigeria
The NBTE (National Board for Technical Education) is the agency of the Federal government of Nigeria responsible for approval of license and coordination of Colleges of Education and Polytechnic activities in Nigeria.
Just like the NUC, the NBTE has the vested power to approve and disapprove courses offered in any College of Education or Polytechnic (State and Federal). It was set up by the Ministry of Education to checkmate the abuse of office by management and authority of Polytechnics in Nigeria.
Without deviating from the focal point of this post (accredited list of courses offered in Fed Poly Bauchi), we have listed the NBTE (National Board for Technical Education) approved list of courses offered in Federal Polytechnic Bauchi also referred to as Fed Poly Bauchi by some.
Therefore, prospective students who chose Fed Poly Bauchi as their preferred choice of Polytechnic during the UTME registration are advised to go through the accredited list of courses offered in Fed Poly Bauchi as seen below for confirmation.
Please note that Fed Poly Bauchi offers courses under NDI, NDII, HND I and HND II courses and admission into this Polytechnic is strictly by merit. The duration of these programmes are 2 years each and upon completion, successful students are awarded a certificate at the completion of each level.
As usual, we have arranged all Fed Poly Bauchi courses as seen below in an alphabetical order for ease of identification by prospective students or applicants.
List of Accredited Courses Offered in Federal Polytechnic Bauchi
Agricultural Engineering / Technology
Agricultural Technology
Architectural Technology
Banking And Finance
Building Technology
Business Administration and Management
Chemical Engineering Technology
Computer Science
Electrical / Electronic Engineering
Estate Management And Valuation
Food Technology
Hospitality Management
Leisure And Tourism management
Mass Communication
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Office Technology And Management
Public Administration
Quantity Surveying
Science Laboratory Technology
Surveying and Geo-Informatics
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