Life Coach/Motivational Speaker Who Wrote SSCE After 7 Years, Checks Result.

Life Coach/Motivational Speaker Who Wrote SSCE After 7 Years, Checks Result.

A Motivational Speaker in the person of Solomon Buchi Bartholomew wrote the last conducted NECO after 7 years of leaving secondary school He wrote; "I was done with high school in 2010. I went to a science school, and my results were bad.
Life happened, I went to serve as ‘NWABOY’ as ensured by my dad. So schooling was the last thing on my mind, tho I was a voracious reader. Mom died. Things got bad and all other penury that happened.

Getting my O’ level was the last thing on my mind. No funds, and life wasn't just favourable. Well, a lot happened and I decided to rewrite NECO this year. I wasn't loud about it. Just members of my tribe knew.

Do you know what it's like to go back to write an exam after a whooping 7 years of being out of curriculum?

I read my best. Prayed my best. And took each paper with the best of me. This time around I rewrote for social science, and art, as I am looking at a career in social work or psychology as a life coach and prospective psychotherapist. Whenever God wills.

Today when I read in the news that the results were out. I got anxious, but to end the anxiety, I got off to get the scratch card and check my result.

I saw 8 credits. 1 Distinction.
I screamed. I cried"

He went further to give some words of encouragement saying "Your mates might have gotten their degrees, and gotten married. Working with a good pay.
And if you're not, it doesn't necessarily mean you're late. It doesn't mean they are better..

It means that we all have personal timing ordained by God for our affairs.

In his own time he makes all things beautiful, not in the time of your mates"

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