LAUTECH vacancy for Director of Sports » Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, is recruiting for Director of Sports. The position role includes, but is not limited to, overseeing the university’s sports unit. The ideal candidate should possess a good honours degree from a recognized university in Physical and Health Education plus 15 years cognate coaching experience.
Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the vacant position of the Director of Sports in Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso:
Director of Sports
(a) The Job
The Director of Sports is an officer in the University who oversees the Sports Unit. Interested persons who meet the requisite qualifications and experiences specified below are invited to apply.
(b) Qualifications
Candidates for the job must:
* Possess a good honours degree from a recognized university in Physical and Health Education plus 15 years cognate coaching experience.
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(c) Remuneration-
* The person appointed will be placed on CONTISS 14 and will enjoy all the Allowances normally attached to the position of a Director of Sports in the University.
* Candidates are to note that the appointment is for a non-renewable single term of five (5) years
How to Apply: Interested candidates who meet the criteria listed above are required to submit twenty (20) copies of their curriculum vitae (and credentials) which should contain among other things:
(1) Name in full (Surname first in capital letters)
(2) Place and Date of birth
(3) State of Origin
(4) Local Government Area
(5) Nationality
(6) Permanent Home Address
(7) Present Postal Address/GSM Number/E-mail Address
(8) Marital Status
(9) Number and Ages of Children
(10) Post Applied for
(11) Education Institutions Attended (with dates)
(12) Academic and Professional Qualifications (with dates)
(13) Distinctions and Awards
(a) Academic
(b) Others, if any
(14) Present Employment, Status and Salary (both in level and amount attach last pay slip)
(15) Statement of Experiences, including full details of former and present post
(16) List of publications (if any)
(17) Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees
Signature:…………………………………. Date:………………………………..
Candidates are expected to articulate their vision for the Unit and submit same along with their applications.
In addition to stating the names, addresses and GSM numbers of the referees, candidates should request their nominated referees to send confidential reports on them under separate cover with a recent passport photograph attached directly to:
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
P.M.B. 4000,
To reach him not later than three (3) weeks from the date of publication.
Only applications from candidates shortlisted for interview will be acknowledged.