LAUTECH ODLC Webinar - Beyond COVID-19: Adapting to the New Normal

LAUTECH ODLC Webinar - Beyond COVID-19: Adapting to the New Normal

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology LAUTECH ODLC Webinar Series

LAUTECH Open and Distance Learning Center is pleased to offer a series of webinars on Adapting to the ‘New Normal’ post-COVID-19 in relation to teaching and learning in Nigerian Higher Institutions.

The themes of the webinars are: evaluating e-readiness for e-learning in the Nigerian context and Skill re-assessment: acquiring digital skills for the new normal.

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Please fill in this form to register a seat for the webinars that will be held on 15th – 16th of July 2020 at 10 am GMT +1.

Looking forward to meeting you online!

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