LAUTECH Innovation Challenge 2021 for Students

LAUTECH Innovation Challenge 2021 for Students

LAUTECH Innovation Challenge

The Directorate of Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery (LAUCRID) Presents her 1ST LAUTECH Innovation Challenge 2021 for Students.

Theme & Categories of LAUTECH Innovation Challenge 



  1. Agriculture: – Priorities:
    • Farmer and food security: Solution to herdsmen attack
    • Smart farming: Solution to food security
  2. Renewable Energy:- Priorities:
    • Solar Energy
    • Biogas, biodiesel, Bioethanol etc.
    • Bioelectricity.
  3. Security:- Priority:
    • Kidnappings
  4. Health
  5. Education

LAUTECH Innovation Challenge Awards

  1. Construction/ building of prototypes for the best 3 ideas under each category will be sponsored by LAUCRID.
  2. Presentation of Certificates and Cash Prizes to the Best 3 ideas.

LAUTECH Innovation Challenge Stages

Stage 1: Submission of Ideas (April 30- May 12, 2021)

Stage 2: Announcement of selected students (May 14, 2021)

Stage 3: First interview (May 18-20, 2021)

Stage 4: Merging of similar ideas (May 21, 2021)

Stage 5: Submission of design (May 28, 2021 deadline)

Stage 6: Second interview (June 1-June 3, 2021)

Stage 7: Announcement of the best 3 ideas under each category (June 4, 2021)

Stage 8: Construction/ building of prototypes at LAUCRID Innovate Lab. (June 7-June 18, 2021)

Stage 9: The first presentation and defence of prototypes (June 22-June 24, 2021)

Stage 10: Grand finale, Presentation of Certificates and Cash Award to the Best 3 ideas (June 29, 2021)

The Grand finale, presentation of certificates and award of cash prizes will be held at The HALL, LAUTECH Ogbomoso on June 29, 2021.

How to Apply for LAUTECH Innovation Challenge

Ideas should be submitted with a brief explanation of the concept to on or before May 12, 2021. Submission should include Name, Matric number, Dept., Level, Statement of the problem, solution, and concept.

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