This is to inform all staff and students of the University that the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. M. O. Liasu, on behalf of Senate has executively approved the academic calendar for the 2020/2021 Rain Semester as presented by the Committee of Provosts and Deans.
The following is the excerpt from the calendar:
Monday, September 13
- Resumption for 2020/2021 Rain Semester for all Students Registration without Penalty for Students Begins
- Commencement of Lectures for all Students
Sunday, October 3 - Registration with Penalty Begins
Monday, October 4 - Registration without Penalty Ends
Monday, October 25 - Mid-Test (CA) by CBT Begins
Friday, October 29 - Mid-Test (CA) by CBT Ends
Sunday, October 31 - Registration with Penalty Ends
Monday, November 15 - Lecture Free Week Begins for all Students
Friday, November 19 - Lecture Free Week Ends for all Students
Monday, November 22 - 2020/2021 Rain Semester Examination for Students Begins
Any unregistered student at 12:00 midnight by this date loses his/her studentship for the Semester
Friday, December 17 - 2020/2021 Rain Semester Examination Ends
Monday, December 20 - 2020/2021 Rain Semester Ends