The Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH 2016/2017 Supplementary Pre-degree (Science) Admission Form and ebtrance examination date has been announced.
The LAUTECH 2016/2017 Supplementary Pre-degree (Science) Admission Form is on sale and is available online on the university’s website.
Interested applicants, the university community and the public can access the online form by login in to the University’s website (www.lautech.edu.ng) for details.
The sales of application form will close on Wednesday, April 19, 2017.
The CBT entrance examination is comes up on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the new ICT Building by 10:00am.
All staff and students are enjoyed to kindly give this information the widest publicity within and outside the university community.
Thank you.