The following important dates and activities culled from the approved University calendar for 2013/2014 Harmattan Semester are for your information and appropriate action.
July 2014 Wednesday, July 2 Resumption for 2013/2014 Harmattan Semester Registration without Penalty by students begins
Wednesday, July 9 Commencement of Lectures for Students
Monday, July14
Orientation for New Students
Monday, July 21
Matriculation Ceremony for New Students
August 2014
Sunday, August 10
Registration with Penalty Begins
September 2014
Saturday, September 6
Registration with Penalty Ends
Any unregistered student at 12.00 midnight by this date loses his/her studentship for the Semester
Saturday, September 13
Harmattan Semester Lecture Free Week Begins
Sunday, September 21
Harmattan Semester Lecture Free Week Ends
Monday, September 22
2013/2014 Harmattan Semester Examination Begins
October 2014
Tuesday, October 14
Harmattan Semester Examination Ends
Friday, October 17
2013/2014 Harmattan Semester Break Begins
The Harmattan Semester Tiame-table can be viewed on this link:2013/2014 Harmattan Semester Lecture Time-table