Please find the attached file for the batching arrangement for 2022/2023 100 level mid-semester CBT test.
All concerned students are to note the following:
1. The mid-semester test starts at 9am daily as from Monday 7th August 2023
2. All concerned students are to arrive at their examination venue at least 30 minutes before their batch start time, and are to adhere strictly to this arrangement as there will be no change of time/batch for anyone
3. All carryover students are to write their examination at New ICT.
4. Bachelor of Science students in the following programs
Business Management,
Economics and
are to follow the batching arrangement for the general courses while they are to write the courses that are peculiar to their departments at the First Bank Hall and Mulika Hall.
5. Faculty of Art and Social Science Students and students of the department of Library and Information Science are to follow the batching arrangement for the general courses while they are to also follow the examination schedule that will be releasing daily to write the courses that are peculiar to their departments
Thank you.