LASU notice to students on addition of new features to the registration portal

LASU notice to students on addition of new features to the registration portal

All full-time undergraduate students of Lagos State University are hereby notified of the change in the course registration interface on the University website, showing new security features. The change is due to the need to make the portal more secure and free from manipulations.

Before now, students only needed their matric number and surname to access their registration page. The simplicity of this process allowed students with mischievous intentions and cafe agents to clandestinely access other student's course profile without permission.

To forestall this, the DICT has now added two layers of authenticity that will require a student to update their registration profile with his or her personal (private) email address and current telephone number. Students will now be able to set their own passwords against their profiles and, the personal email address and phone numbers provided will be essential to recovering their passwords if same is forgotten.

This means that students must, at all costs, avoid using business centers/cafes credentials on their profiles as support will be entirely online.

As with all other sensitive personalised operations, students are to ensure that their login credentials remain private and not shared with third party.

Comprehensive details on registration will be released by the DICT in due course in time for the commencement of the 2020/2021 Academic Session Harmattan Semester registration on Thursday, September 9, 2021.

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