The University having recovered the ‘certificate’ on Wednesday, 21st November, 2018, wishes to make the following clarifications:
#The ‘certificate’ in question actually exist but was invalidated on 25th February, 2013 because the graduate’s surname was wrongly written on the ‘certificate’ as ABISOYE instead of ABIOYE.
#The University had issued another certificate carrying the correct surname and this was collected by the graduate on the 30th of September, 2014.
#By the University’s standard practice, the invalidated certificate ought to have been shredded immediately the certificate was re-issued with the correct surname. Obviously this was not done and by default the invalidated certificate got into the public space due to improper screening of office waste papers, prior to disposal.
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#Mrs. Adeyemi ADESANYA, a seller of soft drinks at a location near the Epe campus, who recovered the invalidated certificate near her shop, posted the image on a social media platform, supposedly for the attention of the ‘owner’.
Although the social media post by Mrs. Adeyemi ADESANYA was a source of embarrassment to the University, however, the University Management wishes to assure all stakeholders and the general public of its determination to sustainably preserve the sanctity and integrity of all validly issued certificates by the University.
Towards this end, the University Management has taken immediate actions to forestall such unpleasant incident.
The University Management profoundly appreciates all members of staff, University Community and other stakeholders for the interest and concern shown in this regard.