Lagos State University, LASU Academic and Non-Academic, Junior & Senior APER forms submission deadline.

The management has approved the commencement of year 2014/2015 promotion Exercise. To this effect, APER Forms for ALL cadres of staff (Academic and Non-Academic, Junior & Senior) has been uploaded on LASU Website.
All qualified members of staff are therefore enjoined to visit www.lasu.edu.ng to download APER Forms that are applicable to their respective status and complete as appropriate.
On completion of the forms, each Staff is expected to submit the duly completed APER Form to his or her immediate Supervisor/Head of Department for assessment and input after which relevant Departmental/Faculty Appointments & Promotions would consider the assessment and thereafter make recommendation to Appointments & Promotion Committee.
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All completed APERs must reach the respective Establishment Divisions (Academic Staff Establishment for Academic Staff and Non-Academic Staff Establishment for NonĀAcademic Staff) on or before May 31st, 2015.
Members of staff are hereby enjoined to cooperate with Management and the relevant Establishment Division in this regards.