As part of its effort at ensuring equity in its admission process for the 2020/2021 academic session, the Management of the Kwara State University has once again decided to open the Admission Payment Portal for candidates who have been offered admission into KWASU through Direct Entry (DE).
This window of opportunity is only opened for candidates who have been offered admission and have paid their Acceptance Fee, but could not proceed with the admission process due some reasons.
In view of the foregoing, the portal will be opened to this category of candidates starting from the 25th March, 2021 for only 48 hours.
We also wish to inform our UTME candidates who have been offered admission, paid Acceptance Fee, but could not proceed with the admission process for some reasons that, the Management, having taken time to consider their admission bottlenecks, decided to offer admission to these candidates into the CAILS/KWASU Foundation programme without having to pay another Acceptance Fee.
The CAIL/KWASU foundation programme runs for ONE ACADEMIC SESSION. At the completion of the one year programme, successful candidates will be offered admission into 200Level in KWASU. Invariably, no year is lost.
We do hope you will make the best use of this opportunity.
We thank you for choosing KWASU, the University of Community Development.
Abdulrazaq Sanni
Director, University Relations.