This is to inform the entire University community that it has been the University's policy over the years that, new students and final year students should stay in the University's hostels. However, attention of the Management was drawn to the fact that about eight weeks after resumption for this Academic Session a large percentage of the current final year students refused to pay for the University's hostels in flagrant disobedience to the University's regulation.
It has also come to the notice of the Management that some group of students, led by Lawal Abdulazeez Okikiola, the students union president are planning to carry out an illegal demonstration.
It must be stressed that any student found disrupting the peace and tranquility on campus will be arraigned before the Students Disciplinary Committee and appropriate sanctions will be imposed on such student according to the University's law.
We hereby remind the affected students of their Matriculation oath that they will be obedient to the rules and regulations of the University and not disrupt peace and tranquility on campus.
Thank you.
Mohammed A. Shuaib
Ag. Registrar