Kwara State University, Malete, has announced penalties for unethical behaviours and dress code violations both on and off the institution's campuses. This is a move to enhance the institutions' zero-tolerance for all acts of indiscipline in and around the University.
The offences, which are captured under 2 categories, list the violations to be either unethical behaviours or dress code offences.
Unethical behaviours range from consumption and or possession of alcohol and illicit drugs, membership of unregistered associations, sexual assault, cyber crimes, homosexuality, physical and verbal assault, theft, bullying, bringing vehicle to school, and male-female cohabitation.
Others are bringing babies to the hostel or lecture rooms, extortion, and walking on the lawn, among others.
Category B which captures dress code violations lists none use of identification card on campus, skimpy and revealing clothes, all forms of indecent and flamboyant dressing, unkempt and dishevelled appearances, piercings, braiding of hair and long nails by male students, and coloured braids and hair extensions that go beyond the neck region for females as violations that attract various levels of sanctions.
The sanctions for offending students range from seizure of identification card, payment of fine, suspension, and expulsion, depending on the offence.
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