This is to inform you that 2022/2023 Matriculation Ceremony for the newly admitted students has been scheduled to hold as follows:
Date: 11th January, 2023
Venue: Rear Admiral Muhammed Alabi Lawal Auditorium
Time: 10.00am
In the light of the foregoing, all the newly admitted students are expected to attend the event.
Furthermore, newly admitted students are to be informed that the Polytechnic Portal will be closed for registration on the Matriculation date. However, that of the returning students will be closed on 18 January, 2023.
It is therefore imperative to indicate that failure of newly admitted and returning students to Registrar before 11th January, 2023 and 18th January, 2023, respectively will result in withdrawal from the Polytechnic, Institute/Centre Directors are enjoined to advise their students accordingly.
Thank you