The Kogi State Polytechnic (KSP) registration procedure for newly admitted students of the polytechnic has been published. This is to inform all newly admitted students that they are to proceed with their registration. the procedure has been provided below;
KSP New students Registration Procedure for 2019/2020 Session
- Check your admission status online via kogistatepolytechnic.edu.ng
- Print your admission letter via the same link
- Study the details of the school fees as contained
- Visit the ICT center of the polytechnic to obtained your CODE for the authentication of your admission so as to begin your registration
- Generate an RRR from the Polytechnic ICT center or any cybercafé of your choice for your school fees and take the RRR to BANK to pay
- Print your course registration form via the school website by login in with your account
- Go to your department to complete the registration process
Wish you good luck throughout your study in the polytechnic
Note: don’t pay your school fees into anybody’s account, pay through the RRR that was generated for you