This is to inform all 100 and 200 level students that the second semester examination for the 2023/2024 academic session will commence on 9th September, 2024 and clearance will commence from Wednesday, 28th August 2024 to 6th September, 2024.
In preparation for the examinations, all concerned students are directed to:
1. Proceed to the Bursary unit for financial clearance.
2. Visit the Audit unit for Audit clearance.
At the clearance point, students are required to present all evidence of payments, including:
i. Receipts for school fees.
ii. Receipts for other relevant payments.
After obtaining clearance from both units, students should proceed to their respective schools to collect their examination cards.
1. Examination cards will only be issued to students who have completed the clearance process and have a duly sign course registration form.
2. Students without examination cards will not be allowed to sit for the examination.
The College Management wish you success in your examination.
Thank you.