Kofi Annan Award 2024 for African Innovators

Kofi Annan Award 2024 for African Innovators

The Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa 2024 is now accepting applications. This prestigious award, initiated by the Austrian Federal Chancellery in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Innovation Accelerator, the Austrian Development Agency, and the Kofi Annan Foundation, seeks to empower social entrepreneurs with digital or technology-powered solutions addressing food security and resilience in Africa. If you are a social entrepreneur committed to combating hunger in Africa through innovative solutions, this opportunity is for you.

Benefits of the Kofi Annan Award

The Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa provides comprehensive support to selected ventures:

  • Acceleration Bootcamp: Nine teams will participate in a virtual WFP Innovation Bootcamp, offering mentorship and expert guidance to refine their innovations.
  • Funding Opportunities: Successful bootcamp participants can apply for equity-free funding, with up to EUR 250,000 available for three ventures.
  • Sprint Programme: The selected three ventures will enter a 12-month WFP Sprint Programme, gaining access to a global network, mentorship, and resources to boost their growth.
  • Network of Innovators: All nine ventures, regardless of funding, will benefit from a robust network of businesses, investors, and mentors.

Kofi Annan Award Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the award, your venture must meet these criteria:

  • Legal Entity: Must be a for-profit entity, incorporated for at least two years.
  • African Focus: Solution anchored in at least one African country.
  • Local Presence: Existing presence or partnerships in the country of implementation.
  • Addressing Priority Topics: Clear focus on one or more priority topics of the award.
  • Market Reach: Potential to impact over 1 million people.
  • Stage of Development: Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or validated prototype.
  • Committed Team: At least three full-time employees.
  • User Validation: Evidence of user/customer validation.
  • Commercial Viability: Clear path to financial sustainability.
  • Implementation Plan: Potential for implementation in the 12-month Sprint programme.
  • Positive Impact: Contribution to food security, employment, climate resilience, and resource protection.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Demonstrated commitment to gender balance, non-discrimination, and social inclusion.
  • Environmental and Social Focus: Attention to environmental protection, gender equality, and social inclusion.

Kofi Annan Award Application Process

To apply for the Kofi Annan Award:

  1. Deadline: Applications must be submitted by February 8, 2024, at 11:59 pm (CET).
  2. Online Application: Complete the application form here.

Further Information

For more details about the Kofi Annan Award, visit the official website.


The Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa 2024 offers a unique chance for social entrepreneurs to scale their solutions, impacting food security and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger. If your venture aligns with these goals and meets the eligibility criteria, this award could be the stepping stone to scaling your impact across Africa. Apply now to become a part of this transformative journey.

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