The JAMB exam slip printing for 2022 UTME has started. Many candidates are still a bit confused concerning a few things about the JAMB exam slip. Some are asking when is the deadline and if it is free. This post will clear the confusion and answer such questions.
Here are important things to note about the JAMB exam slip. Note: If you have printed the JAMB exam slip, don’y forget to get the First Class learners app or software for the 2022 JAMB exam? It contains JAMB real past questions, syllabus, and other features that will help you adequately prepare for the forthcoming JAMB exam. Download now via this link: Download JAMB CBT Mobile App and Software for 2022 UTME.
1. Information that Should Be On Your JAMB Exam Slip: There are vital details that should be on your exam slip to show that it is the original copy from JAMB. The information includes:
a. Personal Details such as:
- Your surname.
- First name.
- Other name
- Date of Birth.
- Gender.
- Telephone number.
- Local Government.
- State of Origin.
- Email Address.
b. Examination Details which include:
- Your JAMB registration number.
- Examination number.
- Seat number.
- Examination town.
- Center number.
- JAMB 2022 exam date.
- Examination center name.
c. Your JAMB subject combination [four (4) subjects including the English Language].
d. Candidate QR Code.
e. The date you registered for JAMB.
f. The date that the exams slip was printed.
g. Candidate Serial number.
h. Reference number.
i. Serial number.
j. Your picture at the right-hand side, located at the top.
Cost of Printing JAMB Exam Slip: If you have a computer and a printer at home. You do not have to pay anything to print your exam slip. However, if you do not have one at home, you may have to go to any Cyber Cafe around you and request that they print it for you. You will have to pay them for their services. The cost can range from 100 naira and above depending on your location.
Must JAMB send a link to my email before I can Print my Exam slip? The answer is no! I have noticed that some candidates are still waiting for JAMB to send a link to their email before they can reprint their exam slips. If you did not receive an email from JAMB, there is no problem just go to the portal and print your exam slip. There is no difference between the one that is printed from the email and the one printed from the JAMB website. They are all the dame. CLICK HERE now to see how to print yours from the JAMB website.
Deadline for JAMB Exam Slip Reprinting: JAMB has not announced any official deadline for the printing of the 2022 JAMB exam slip. We believe that it will still continue until the exam begins. However, it is very important that you print your exam slip on time. So you will be able to know your date, locate your centre and know your exam time. Many candidates in the past have missed their examination because they did not print their exam slip on time. Don’t let that happen to you. CLICK HERE now to see how to print your exam slip via JAMB website.
Why The JAMB Exam Slip Is Important
1. The main reason is to be able to know your exact date for the exam as well as the venue and the time. It is advisable that candidates know their exam venue on time incase it is somewhere they are not too familiar with, they will have time to ask questions about the venue or location or visit the venue before the exam instead of wasting time on the day of the exam looking around for the venue.
2. The exam slip will be required by the invigilators before you can be allowed into the exam hall. So apart from the purpose of knowing your date, time and venue, you are required to go to the exam hall with at least a copy of the exam slip in order to be allowed into the hall.
3. JAMB will not allow candidates to go into the hall with any other paper except the JAMB exam slip. For candidates who may take subjects that require calculations, the only paper that will be available for you to use is your exam slip.
4. In case you lose your original registration slip, the printed exam slip will serve as proof that you registered for the exam. It contains almost every information that is on the registration slip.