Kaduna State University, KASU important notice regarding JAMB admission letter irregularity.

1. This post is for concerned 100- 400 Level students of Kaduna State University (Newly admitted Students not included).
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2. Go to www.jamb.org.ng and click CHECK ADMISSION STATUS under the year which you were admitted. Input your JAMB Registration Number and Submit.
3. If your admission status shows that you are admitted into KASU; this post is not for you. if otherwise, JAMB does not acknowledge that you are a student of KASU but of the Institution to which was shown to you (It is the Institution that first offered Admission). so therfore, you need to take this message with all seriousness as failure to do that will result to you not being considered for NYSC.
4. Purchase JAMB e-facility card for Admission Letter Printing and print yours. Submit a copy to your Faculty Officer or Department of Academic Planning on or before Friday, 7TH NOVEMBER, 2014.