The Management of Kano State Polytechnic has released the academic calendar for the 2019/2020 academic session.
1. Registration for Returning Students: Monday, 19th October 2020
2. Registration for Fresh Students: Monday, 26th October 2020
3. Closure for Registration Exercise: Sunday, 13th December 2020 (7 Weeks)
1. Lecture Period: Monday, 23rd November 2020 - Saturday, 6th March 2021 (15 weeks, Mid Semester Break inclusive)
2. MID SEMESTER BREAK: Monday, 11th January - Sunday, 17th January 2021
3. SUbmission of question papers & marking scheme: Monday, 1st February - Friday, 12th February 2021 (2 weeks)
3. Moderation of Question papers & Marking SCheme (SOT): Monday, 15th February - Friday, 26th February 2021 (2 weeks)
4. Release of Continuous Assessments and entertainnment of students comnplaints: Monday, 22nd February - Saturday, 5th March 2021 (4 weeks)
5. Examination Period: Monday, 8th March - Saturday, 3rd April 2021 (4 weeks)
6. Submission of Marked Exam Scripts: Two (2) weeks after each exarminalion
7. End of Moderation of marked exams scripts: Friday, 27th August 2021
8. End of Result Compilation: Friday, 10th September 2021
9. DB/SAB Meetings: Monday, 20th September - Friday, 29th October 2021 (6 weeks)
10. PAB Business Committee Meetings: Wednesday, 6th October - Wednesday, 10th November 2021 (6 weeks)
11. SIWES programme for ND 1 2018/2019 Session (Management 9th August 2021 - 29 October 2021 Science Students) (12 Weeks): 9th August 2021 - 29th October 2021
12. SIWES programme for ND 1 2018/2019 Session (Science & Technology students) (16 weeks): 9th August 2021 - 25th November 2021
13. 16th August 2021 - 27th September 2021: Mandatory Skils Acquisition Program (MSAP) for ND II & HND II (6 weeks)
14. Break: Monday, 5th April - Sunday, 11th April 2021 (1 week)
15. End of submission of marked exam scripts/score sheets: Friday, 16th April 2021
16. End of Moderation of marked exams script: Friday, 23rd April 2021
17. End of Results Compilation: Friday, 7th May 2021
18. DB/SAB Meetings: Monday, 19 April - Friday, 20th May 2021 (6 weeks)
19. PAB Business Committee Meetings: Wednesday, 12th May - Wednesday, 16th June 2021 (6 weeks)
20. Lecture Period: Monday, 12 March - Friday, 9th July 2021 (15 weeks, Mid Semester Break inclusive)
21. MID-SEMESTER BREAK: Monday, 24 May - Sunday, 30 May 2021 (1 week)
22. Submission of question papers &marking schemes: Monday, 7 June - Friday, 18 June 2021 (2 weeks)
23. Moderation of Question papers & Marking schemes: Monday, 21 June - Friday, 24 July, 2021 (2 weeks)
23. Release of Continuous Assessments and entertainment of Students' complaints: Monday, 28th June - Friday, 9th July 2021 (2 weeks)
24. Examination Period: Monday, 12 July - Saturday, 7th August 2021 (4 weeks)
25. Submissions of Marked Exams Script/Project Assessment scores: Two weeks after each examination
26. End of submission of marked exam scripts/Score sheet: Friday, 20th August 2021