The Nigerian Sao-Tome and Principe joint Development Authority (JDA), has since 2005, as part of its capacity building scheme for Nigerian Youths, in collaboration with operating partners, have offered Scholarships and undertaken Social Projects in Nigerian schools.
These served as its modest contribution towards the development of the Education Sector.
Further to the above, the Authority allocated Twenty-Five (25) slots to the Kaduna State Government and requested that, the State Government provides them with the details of One Hundred (100) qualified indigent students from the state for further screening.
In line with the transparency and equal opportunity policy, the Kaduna State Scholarship and Loans Board, went ahead and published the opportunity. As a result, One Hundred and Sixty Five (165) people applied, out of which One Hundred and Three (103) where subsequently shortlisted and forwarded to the concerned Authority.
The Authority, thereafter, shortlisted Twenty- Three (23) Successful Candidates and have further requested the Board to send a minimum of 20 and maximum of 50 names to select the remaining 2 names to complete the slot.
The Board, is thereby opening up the opportunity for every indigent residents of Kaduna State to apply.
All applicants must be willing to undergo the necessary background checks, 10 verify their Economic Status with a view to determinng their need.
Scholarship Requirements
Applicants must be undergraduate students in their first year of study
Applicants must have a minimum of credit grade in any five subject including Mathematics and English in not more than two sittings.
December 29, 2022
Application Link