KADPOLY Matriculation Ceremony Date 2022/2023

KADPOLY Matriculation Ceremony Date 2022/2023

In the heart of Nigeria, nestled within the historic grounds of Kaduna Polytechnic, a significant annual event is soon to unfold. The institution, renowned for its legacy and commitment to superior academic excellence, is gearing up for its latest matriculation ceremony. This prestigious occasion marks the formal induction of fresh students into the academic family of Kaduna Polytechnic, and the excitement in the air is palpable.

Details of the Ceremony

  • Date: Thursday, 17th August 2023
  • Time: Promptly starting at 9:30am
  • Venue: The majestic New Convocation Square, located at the heart of Tudun Wada Main Campus, Kaduna Polytechnic.

Your Exclusive Invitation

If you’re reading this, consider yourself specially invited to join the academic community on this grand day. Whether you’re a fresh student ready to embark on this new chapter, a proud parent or guardian, or simply someone with an affiliation to the institution, your presence would be the cherry on top of this celebratory occasion.

This event isn’t merely a formality; it represents the beginning of a journey. For every student, this matriculation signifies a commitment to learning, growth, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. It’s a day where dreams get a clear direction and aspirations find a solid ground.

A Few Kind Words

On behalf of the entire Kaduna Polytechnic community, accept our warmest regards and heartfelt gratitude for choosing to be a part of this ceremony. It’s gatherings like these that truly bring to light the spirit of camaraderie, dedication, and the shared pursuit of enlightenment that defines Kaduna Polytechnic.

So, as the sun rises on the 17th of August, we hope to see you there, witnessing the newest batch of bright minds committing themselves to a future of potential and promise.

In conclusion, let’s come together and make this matriculation ceremony a memorable milestone for the 2022/2023 academic cohort. With your presence and the combined energy of the community, it’s bound to be a day to remember.

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