JUMIA Nigeria Art Contest : Display Your Child's Art Talent to The World and Stand a Chance to Win Cool Prizes

JUMIA Nigeria Art Contest : Display Your Child's Art Talent to The World and Stand a Chance to Win Cool Prizes

JUMIA Art Contest

How awesome would it be to brag that your child/niece/nephew designed the Jumia logo! To earn that bragging right plus up to 100k shopping voucher, follow the procedure below.

How to Enter JUMIA Nigeria Art Contest.

  1. Participating kids are required to come up with creative renditions of the Jumia Logo. The submitted logo should reflect your creativity and should be themed around having fun at school. Feel free to express yourself visually.
  2. The logo should be drawn on a physical piece of paper. Scan or take a clear picture of it & send it to community@jumia.com.ng with the child’s full name, class & name of school.
  3. The 10 best designs will be selected & shared on our social media pages between the 17th -19th August. Voting will commence same day.
  4. Follow the hashtag #JumiaArtContest on social media for all updates on winner selection.
  5. A total of 3 winners will be selected. The winner s logo will be displayed at specific dates during the campaign. Winners will also get a goody bag from Jumia.

JUMIA Art Contest Terms and Conditions.

  1. This Competition begins on the 13th of August 2018 and ends on the 19th of August 2018.
  2. The Promoter is Jumia [Ecart Internet Services Nigeria Limited].
  3. The officers, employees and immediate families of officers and employees of the Promoter, the associated companies and contractors of the Promoter, and any other agencies associated with this Competition are ineligible to enter.
  4. This Competition is ONLY open to pupils and students between the ages of 4-15 years, who are Nigerian residents attending schools in Nigeria. Entrants must obtain consent in writing from their Parents or Legal Guardians.
  5. Entrants are expected to show their creativity by redesigning the Jumia logo.
  6. 3 Winners will be selected & their will have the winning logos displayed as the website logo at certain periods of time during the School Resumption Shopping campaign scheduled to hold from August 13th 2018 to September 16th 2018.
  7. Winners will be picked randomly
  8. Multiple entries are permitted.
  9. Winners must present documents showing proof of age
  10. Winners MUST present current and valid identifications matching the name used in the entry and must be willing to have their images taken; such images may be used at any time by the Promoter, for further marketing campaigns.
  11. The promoter reserves the right to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Competition and these Terms and Conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the Promoter’s control.
  12. It is a condition of entry that the Entrant consents to the Promoter using the Entrant’s name, likeness, image and/or voice in the event they are a winner of a Prize [including photograph, film and/or recording of the same] in any media for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of the Competition [including any outcome], and promoting any products and services, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoters in the Centre[s] or otherwise.
  13. By entering the Competition, an Entrant releases and indemnifies the Promoter [including its officers, employees and agents] from and against all actions, liabilities, penalties, claims or demands the Entrant may have against the Promoter or that the Promoter may incur for any loss or damage which is or may be suffered or sustained as a direct or indirect result of an entrant entering or participating in the Competition or winning or failing to win a prize, or using or permitting any other person to use the Prize.
  14. The Promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the Competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  15. By entering this Competition, an Entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by ? these Terms and Conditions.
  16. The Competition and these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  17. In the event of any dispute, or disagreement between the parties in relation to this Agreement, the Parties shall at first, meet to negotiate in good faith to settle the matter amicably. Where Parties fail to resolve any matter within 21 days, it shall be referred to a sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the parties herein, or in the absence of such agreement, to an Arbitrator appointed by the High Court of Lagos State.
  18. The provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act [Cap A18] Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 shall apply to the arbitral proceedings. The decision of an Arbitrator appointed under this clause shall be final except where there is manifest error in law or fact or miscarriage of Justice.

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