A member of this blog sent a funny piece that the Association of Nigerian University Students (ANUS) strike will begin after ASUU strike, due to some reasons stated in the open letter.
It has been observed that ASUU is on the verge of ending its six months old strike.
Consequently, the Association of Nigerian University Students (ANUS) will embark on its strike immediately after ASUU calls off.
Our strike will not be suspended untill the following NEEDS are met.
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*HOSTEL FEE: our expired hostel fee must be paid by either ASUU or FG.
*PREGNANCY: Most female students are about to put to bed, ASUU must vow to take responsibility of the unborn babies.
*ALLOWANCES: Students get allowances from their parents ifthey are in school, they hav been denied this because of thestrike. The five months allowance arrears must be paid
*TRANSPORT FARE: Our fare from home to school must bepaid.
*MEGABYTE: Most students have wasted their meg going online for update abt the strike, the money for meg must be paid.
*EXPIRED BEVERAGES: Our expired beverages like milk, spag,milo, etc must be replaced with new ones.If our demands are not met, we will not resume.
NASU President