UTME/DE candidates are no longer required to provide email addresses during registration. This is to ensure candidates’ details are not exposed to dubious cyber cafe operators and other criminal elements who in the course of UTME/ Direct Entry registration steal email passwords to perpetrate fraud.
They gain access to profiles of candidates under the pretense of creating an email address for them. Then they change and block the candidates from receiving messages from the board. They also extort them after they change their passwords.
However, candidates will be required to provide their email addresses after the closure of JAMB registration. This is to enable them to have access to the JAMB portal and the JAMB CAPS and be able to use services like change of course and institution, checking of admission status, etc.
According to JAMB, candidates are to provide their email addresses after the closure of JAMB registration via the methods below;
- (a) JAMB Mobile APP on the candidates registered phone (the phone bearing the registered phone number)
- (b) Sending the word email (space then the email address) on his /her registered phone to 55019 or 66019. The email should be typed twice to ensure validation and the prevention of typographical errors.
Candidates are therefore advised to create an email if they don’t have one already for this purpose. Then wait until the JAMB registration is over and then link it to their JAMB profile. If you have an email address already, you should confirm you are able to login to the email before linking it to your JAMB profile.
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